Having recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis, and having lived with emphysema for some 14 years, I am perplexed by the medicos don't prescribe vitamin D and calcium at the same time they prescribe corticosteroids. (Also given that most medicos prescribe prednisone either as a pill or intravenous - which is more damaging to bones) - it could certainly in my case avoid or minimize the incidence of osteoporosis?
Steroids and Osteoporosis: Having... - Lung Conditions C...
Steroids and Osteoporosis

I too am suffering with osteoporosis, the 'bone team' and the x-ray team seemed so surprised that nothing had been done to prevent or even check it. Years of prednisolone have done their damage, like Martin I wonder why nobody checked for damage being done.
It is recommended that they do and your doctor should know.
You should really have had regular bone scans if you have been on prolonged use of prednisolone- I have one every three years or so and was found to have the early stages of osteoporosis. I have also been taking calcium supplements prescribed by my doctor for several years.
I am quite surprised and shocked by your doctors negligence- are you a smoker? Smoking also greatly increases the risk of osteoporosis, but smoker or not you should have had the appropriate preventative treatments.
I agree martin1945 as Pete has been on steroids since 1991 and has osteoporosis in his spine and hips. Apparently, osteoporosis symptoms appear after only 6 months on steroids yet nobody told us this. It was only a bone density scan at Royal Brompton that showed it up. Not great really. xxx
Yes, agree. I think it's called negligence!
They just don't seem to do a joined up service. It all proves we have to be vigilant, know what we're taking and why.
Then when we're offered something new we have to ask THEM if it will work with our other meds and remind them what we're taking & why.
Too late for us but at least we can teach our loved ones plus newbies here the way to go.
I've been on calcium/vitamin D (Adcal) for more than twenty years due to an early menopause...had bone scan last year following spinal fractures and was diagnosed as having 'established osteopororis'. I'm thinking that taking these supplements isn't really effective in preventing this condition?
I too take Adcal + D3 as I have osteopenia. I will have a DEXA scan every two years as I am taking Anastrazole to stop my body from producing Oestrogen (the receptor for my breast cancer).
I don't know too much about osteoporosis. But i did look at the efect of taking calcium. Apparently, it has little effect on preventing bone loss.
I take vitamin D under the form of Healthaid sunshine vitamins which contains vit D and omega 3. I think that it helps, but vitamins being as they are, I don't feel a wow that's fantastic. I just feel good, that's all, but that's good!
I don't know if this help at all.
Apparently Vit D3 and K2 work together to prevent bone loss, possibly even reversing damage I think also magnesium works in conjunction with calcium. I'm unsure of the ratios but perhaps you could google to research and for more info. K2 is fat soluble so need to be taken with fat.
I have pulmonary sarcoid and take quite a bit of prednisone. I have been told not to take extra calcium or vit D, also I have to keep out of the sun as much as I can as with this condition, my body stores calcium.