Does anyone In the group have Osteoporosis especially a Scoliosis in the spine. This is from taking steriods for a long time. It is making my breathing difficult and causing me pain. I decided this morning to do some excercises, aimed at making things better. I think l may have over done it and am now in real pain. I am having a telephone assessment for PR on the 18th of the month. I am feeling really miserable with it all.
Osteoporosis excercise: Does anyone In... - Lung Conditions C...
Osteoporosis excercise

Hello 👋 falcon68. Thinking about you and hoping painkillers have kicked in and you are finding some relief. I would lay off the exercise in any shape or form untill you have your PR assessment on 18th.
Be kind to yourself till then however frustrated you may be. They are the experts and they will advise what is appropriate for your medical limitations.
Look after YOU. Best wishes. Dawn xx
i have osteopaenia as well as bronc., but not in my spine. I think you need to start very gently- seated exercises perhaps. Wait until you can talk to someone about which exercises are best for you and don't try to do too much at first. Unfortunately we only find out we've overdone things when we've already overdone it. Best wishes.
Hi I’ve got a Kyphos in my back. My back is going into a humpback. I believe scoliosis is a twist sideways. Same sort of thing. The bones are going out of alignment and it’s very painful. I’ve got seven spinal fractures which make my breathing bad and cause me a lot of pain. The best excercise you can do that is best for your back is walking. Not that I can do a lot. You should never do exercises that make you twist your body. I find that anything I have to do with my hands in front like cooking and washing up is agony. But I do it because I want to eat healthily. I don’t consider frozen meals to be healthy. Everyone to their own choice though.
I have Kyphos too, but not as badly as you by the sound of it. My Pilates teacher is very understanding. She believes with the right exercises I can stop it getting any worse. I admire your determination to eat healthily.
I'm sorry you are in pain. One of my pilates teachers is extremely well trained in the difficulties of more mature people and gives different options for those in the group with osteoporosis. (I have osteopenia) Some excercises seem to be a real no no for osteoporosis sufferers. Maybe rest now and speak to the respiratory physios when you see them.
Hi Karenanne do you take anything for the pain?. I am strongly thinking of trying to see an Osteopath privately to see if they can recommend any treatment to help.
I don't have any pain specifically from the osteopenia. It was found when I had a bone density scan as part of my referral to Harefield transplant clinic. I'm on a lot of clacium now! For other pain e.g. trapped nerve in spine I take paracetamol and in extremis I'll take some codeine and paracetamol. An osteopath or chiropractor may be able to help.
One of the members of my singing for lung health group has osteoporosis. She finds the hour very helpful for her posture as well as her lungs, and there is only one stretching exercise she cannot do.
I know exactly how you feel. Am experiencing the same due to long term steroids for crohns and Copd. I am taking high dose vitamin and once that's improved they say they are starting a new med to increase bone density... In horrendous pain and on opiates all the time any movement exacerbates it, plus breathing v hard to do. All I can say is that you are not alone, and don't give up hope. I am hoping to start a course of aqua therapy soon as the water protects you from injury whilst hopefully increasing mobility and lung function. Maybe that would help you too?
Thanks for your reply. I am hoping PR can help. I am also going to go and see an Osteopath. Hoping they can help, so at least l can cope with the pain and have some quality of life which l feel l don't have atvthe moment.
My wife has scoliosis. As I’m sure you know it is a pain. Her lungs are not great and one is being squished smaller by her condition. She found some relief from osteopath and Pilates, although not able to do either now. I agree with other comments. Let your injury heal first.