rushed into hospital a week ago severe breathing problems paramedics and A & E were fantastic as was my time on the respiratory ward at new cross hospital nebs steroids and large doses of antibiotics intravenously put me back on an even keel, preliminary diagnosis of C O P D and sleep apnoea. Seeing my own doctor tomorrow (Tuesday) about getting salbutamol for my nebuliser as well as inhaler plus I, am quite concerned about a numb pinkie little toe and blood sugar levels.
Feeling much better now and looking forward to follow up appointments in out patients.
I am a carer for my wife who has Alzheimer's and I put her care before my own health which resulted in my hospitalisation even as I was gasping for breath my main concern was for Barbara's care . I now realise that its like the air stewardesses say put on you own oxygen before helping others and my trying to keep Barbara out of respite or care merely makes that possibility happen faster and permanently if I'm not around.