Hi Everyone
I am new to this site and finding it very interesting already.
I just thought I would share my story.
I suffer with Asthma and just before Christmas I was rushed into Critical Care in hospital as I could hardly breath, I suffer with Asthma and just thought it was an asthma attack. I spent all of Christmas in Critical Care and then ICU and was told I had severe Pneumonia. I have never been in hospital before I found it very scary. I had loads of drip medication in my arms and the highest amount of oxygen and in bed and unable to move for a week. Lucky 2 days before I was told by the consultants if things didn't improve in the next day they would have to let the machines breath for me as I had the highest oxygen I could have. Lucky I had improvement that evening and was able to get out of bed and breath a bit better. On the day I was released 2 days later I had loads of medication and had been told to take things slow.
I really had no idea what pneumonia was or how it effects your body and being in ICU or how poorly I was. I had another chest infection a month later, coughing, no energy at all. I have had great care from the hospital and chest xrays and breathing tests and a lung scan (no results yet). I am slowly improving daily, still coughing up what I can, no energy, tired alot of the time and if I'm tired I have to sleep. It has made me see things differently to just take one day at a time and don't rush. It is not easy for me as I like to keep busy. At one point I thought am I ever going to feel any better but I am slowly and doctors orders taking life slow until I recover.