Help keeping house cool in hot weather - Lung Conditions C...

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Help keeping house cool in hot weather

33 Replies

I have had a terrible time with the heat we've been having recently, my breathing has deteriorated and I have been exhausted with the heat, Inside my home I have been living with 30C degrees day time and night time temps lucky if it drops to 25C.

I've been doing the usual keeping blackout curtains drawn and windows shut on sunny side and have cooling aids to help but I have been poorly for over a week now. Been to walk in clinic, they say lungs clear to up salbutamol dose. Yesterday noticed my steroid inhaler wasn't giving the full squirt so have changed that and using a new spacer. If that was the prob hopefully will be recovering soon now, but today I still have 27C inside. The doc said the heat has been knocking a lot of people out and maybe for me its just too hot for too long and not be able to get any cool for 24/7.

Sorry rambled a bit there. A friend mentioned to me about outdoors / external blinds for the windows as this can reduced the temperature inside significantly, I've been looking but can't find anything, friend has external bamboo blinds which is what is used throughout Asia. I am looking for a UK contact for these anyone know of anything?

I need to try to make things easier for myself at a reasonably affordable cost, to help breathing easier by keeping the heat inside lower during the hot summer days and so at least have the ability to tidy home.

No idea if I can access funds to help with this through the Council or DSS or even who to speak with about making things easier at the Council or DSS or even if they will be at all interested.

Anyone know where I can access the external bamboo blinds?

Wondered if buying garden bamboo screening to put up in front on window when very hot will work, could be a more cost effective way of doing it.

Also I have thought about a portable air conditioning unit but not sure if that will work with having to put hose out of the window which will be letting the heat in.

The fan with ice in bowl in front of it has just not been enough cooling.

Desperate to keep cool. Any one with any suggestions about the external, affordable blinds and any other cooling aid.

Thanks all for taking the time to read, hope you are all coping ok at the moment.

Only friendly comments and suggestions need reply.

Many thanks


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33 Replies
Toci profile image

I am so sorry you have felt so ill. I breathe better in the warmer weather but have not enjoyed the higher humidity levels. I know of an external blind company who may be of use, though I have not used them myself.






Tel: 01254 685480


Fax: 01254 685481

I hope you are full recovered soon. x

in reply to Toci

Thanks Toci, for you good wishes and helpful advice. The humidity was 97% earlier this morning, its no wonder I am having difficulty with heat and humidity.

You take care too. x

in reply to

hi blakey c.keep avin probs trying to acess the new site,sorry ur havin problems really as toci said chek that blind website,i went hope yesterday at last after 1yr of toin an foin.god we are treated worse than animals.had tubes up nose then home for 24hrs with a monitor c why for 1yr ive had bad pains heartburn etc with my hitus hernia,heartburn bad but mixed with pain an copd well not good really,went bak 9am 2day for it out.didnt sleep well last nite,didnt hurt at all surprised me that.nurse new wat she was doing ad it done in no time,told her I had copd was really nice with me,said we get lot in hear at hope with copd don't ever b embarrassed ur not alone.we are hear for u .nice that.the weather for me as been good hot ,ive been better,i keep curtains closed an windows open in ouse/the dr to the kitchen open an bak dr open so breeze comes in,but not every1 the same .so I hope u take it easy not to easy mind ,I have a big bak yrd with treesan flowers so that's airy .ope u get sortedwith blinds.1 of my sisters as bamboo blinds got them a while ago at b an qdont no if they do them now,she bought them an fitted them herself ,I fitted my blinds ear myself,take care

in reply to

thanks carol, hope you get better sleeps tonight.

CornishBrian profile image

I too am having trouble coping with the heat. I can dress up against the cold but the heat get to me.I think your idea of bamboo garden bamboo screening will really help and at a fraction of the cost. I ue a fan but sometimes find it more effective to have it sucking the warm air out of a room or blowing past an open doorway. A bowl full of ice in the room may been more effective if you add a gallon of water too it and even salt....seriously. The Victorians used to make ice cream by using ic, water and salt. The temperature difference is amazing. Other than that, a wet sheet hanging on a clothes horse between the fan and you helps to. As regards funding, if anyone or their partners were in the forces, contact the Royal British Legion and they will do all they can to help.

in reply to CornishBrian

Hope you are managing to stay cooler now. Having some ideas but no energy to carry things out at the moment. Thanks for tips.

lilliput profile image

Argos have a small air conditioning unit reduced to about £50, but I'm not sure if it has a humidifier. It could be worth looking at their returns policy, and checking exemptions, if you did decide to buy and it wasn't suitable. Think you may have special return rights if you buy online anyway.

Just a thought and hope you feel better soon.

lilliput profile image
lilliput in reply to lilliput

Sorry its an air cooler and is on castors. Looks like you just have to plug it in, £49.99.

in reply to lilliput

tks, will take a look x

Pete762 profile image

Hello BlakeyC,

I have also been suffering from the heat and had to get treatment.

I have adopted the methods I have seen in hot countries. Open the windows early morning before the sun rises but close them before the sun rises the temperature and then close the curtains on those windows where the sun hits. Keep like this till the evening until the temperature starts to drop. If you can get a through draft from windows on opposite sides of the building this also helps. My fan is invaluable, I do not know why, but a draught on the face always help.

I am sure you have heard all this before, but being a fellow suffer had to add my support and sympathy.

Get well soon, Pete

in reply to Pete762

Thanks Pete, so sorry you are suffering too. I do the windows thing and use all the other aids, they all help but this time it has affected be more and lungs not coping as well, combination of things I think.

Hope you feel better soon too. x xBC

peege profile image

Sorry to hear you've been suffering BC.

I wonder if you can still get those cheap cane blinds that were fashionable a few years ago. Roll up on a cord. I had some once & they were easy to put up in a hot conservatory as the top bar was a bamboo cane that was easily held up on a couple of cup hooks. You'd need wooden window frames to screw the cup hooks in to though.

On the fan front, I saw the new Dyson ones the other day in John Lewis, they looked and felt fantastic giving of a very cold draught. (I got a bit chilly in their air conditioned shop in Croyden & had to leave because I had to few clothes on).

At this moment in time I'm cold, weather has changed here in SW19 so I hope it's coming your way.

All the best, peeg

Dunelm Mills have a little one that plugs into your usb for £5.

in reply to peege

Hi peeg, thanks for good wishes, I was looking at the dyson fan the other week and thought it would do the job I was reading some reviews on it, said it was noisy, but others thought it was great, when I am feeling up to it will go and check it out again. I have been thinking about spending my days in the Tesco chiller isle. Its a bit cooler today but unfortunately lungs are still not happy, I think its the high humidity as well. Thanks for your suggestions. Take good care and hope all goes well for your CT scan tomorrow.

lilliput profile image

Hate hot weather and have just laid down on carpet behind open front door for 2 nights running. Feel that I can't breath and just very uncomfortable. My COPD is mild apparently but I also have an under active thyroid which is not yet properly medicated. The dose will increase.

in reply to lilliput

so sorry liliput its awful this not being able to breathe, hope you are soon feeling better too x x

sassy59 profile image

Hi BC, so many people are struggling at the moment and I think the high humidity is not helping. You have had some good solutions given to you so hope they help. Get Well Soon and look forward to cooler weather. Take care. xxxx

in reply to sassy59


Gidge profile image

Hi - we bought an air conditioner last week, it has made all the difference (cost about £250 though - ouch !!). The one we have vents out of the window, in fact it vents into the conservatory with the doors open in our case! It is effective, the heat was killing Keith (literally, I fear). It also removes moisture from the air, you can empty the collected water out. Gill

in reply to Gidge

Thanks Gill this sounds promising was it the Challenge portable air conditioner?

Gidge profile image
Gidge in reply to

Hi Blakey - it's an Amcor SF12000E. i bought it from a company called Aircon Direct. We live in a (too) well insulated bungalow which was extended extensively, with the result that our lounge is very cosy in the winter and stays rather warm in the summer once it gets hot. The room is about 20ft long, at the end is a set of patio doors leading into a conservatory. The venting system is designed to go into a sash window or a horizontal sliding window , very simple, I find it is fine just to put in in the slightly open patio door and vent into the conservatory with the conservatory doors open. When i get round to it I'll makde a better job of it, but at the moment its keeping us cool.I find if it is 30 outside I can keep down to 25 - and with moisture being taken out of the air as well that is a great help. Looking onthe website the cheapest they now offer is £299, the chap I spoke to said they were shifting them very fast - in fact the model we have isn't listed there at the mo., but It might be worth giving them a call.


in reply to Gidge

Thanks so much for this information Gill. x

sadie1951 profile image

Try watching brown bears catching salmon live in Alaska, the water looks so coooooooooool and refreshing! One of the cams is a bit iffy at the moment, but this one is working!/live-cams/pl...

in reply to sadie1951

that may not do the trick, sadly, wish it would oh how simple life would be.

sportsbank profile image

Try going on to the sit up tv shopping channels web site they some times have copies of the dyson fans for £49-99 plus p&p might be worth a try.


sportsbank profile image

No there not fake dysons there very similar to the dyson fan but a lot cheaper.The tv company wouldn't be allowed to sell faulty goods they are fully guaranteed and have a 14 day return policy.I've bought several items from the channels & have not been disappointed with my purchases I hope this clarifies my previous post.

in reply to sportsbank

What are the fans called sportsbank? Just wondered if I could search by name on-line. Is this a sky tv channel you are referring to? Thanks for your help.

sportsbank profile image
sportsbank in reply to

Hi Blakey C , sorry I can't remember the brand name, the channels are on Sky and freeview Sky its channel 645 & 654 Freeview its channel 23 and 37.I find their web site very good just enter Bid Tv or Price drop tv in your search engine.Hope they appear soon on tv or on the web site.hope this helps.


in reply to sportsbank

Thanks for info sportsbank, have you one of these fans yourself or know someone who has? The dyson fans have the multiplier technology I wonder if these alternative fans do also?


sportsbank profile image
sportsbank in reply to

Hi BC, no I haven't but was impressed when I saw them on the tv a few weeks ago, the presenters go into great detail about the products so if they come up again soon that should answer any questions you may have,roll on the cooler days about 60 - 70f will do nicely


Oh, I very much sympathise with you Blakey C as I too am feeling ill with this awful heat. Shower to cool down - just as hot minutes later. Can barely cook or prepare my meals , much less eat/enjoy the food afterwards. Permanantly exhausted now to the point of depression as I'm not coping with housework or anything really.

Not able to help you with outdoor blinds for the windows but would think it could help the situation. Problem as I see it is the constant hot temperatures penetrate the brickwork of any buildings which hold the heat and act like ovens.

Looking forward to feeling cooler one day!

Lovelight xx

in reply to

I was bad for over a week lovelight and it took a good few days to recover after the rains when temperatures cooled a bit. So sorry you are still having the heat. Take good care, drink plenty of water.


O2Trees profile image

Bit late responding Blakey - only just saw this. Im finding it hell but one of the things i do is to wet a bandana with cold water and tie it round my neck (might have said this somewhere else) - I really find this works. Dont know where you are in the country, but after yesterday's scorcher here in Kent, its cooler and going to rain - bliss!!

in reply to O2Trees

They are helpful the cool towels and cool downz neckerchiefs. Did all the usual things:!/#blf/p...

But these weren't enough at the time. Thank heavens for some cooler temperatures.

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