good morning every one , how are you coping with the hot weather? i am not doing so good , but what annoys me is that with my work( when i was working) i worked out the far east , middle east carribbean south america , the weather then never bothered me at all, this copd has a lot to answer for: well i feel a little better after that little moan
hot weather: good morning every one... - Lung Conditions C...
hot weather

Hi whit,my husband used to work in Saudi and Africa....but he said it was a dry heat not humid like here at the moment....apart from the rain forest that is!
Check pollution levels too on the DEFRA website, it's high in the East at the moment.
It's just started to rain here and thunder but it's still hot
Take care
Hi Whit .. I too found that when I went to spain a couple of years ago I coped with the heat there so much better ... I think it is a different type of heat abroad ive lived in kenya, singapore, germany and have never had breathing problems when there ... Perhaps we should all move abroad. And you have a moan any time you like I do frequently.
You can check our our tips for dealing with the hot weather:
Weather too hot for me too, haven't got the energy to do much,breathless all the time. My husband was in the Army catering corps, when stationed in the Gulf he cooked in 52 celcius heat and managed to cope as it was a dry heat but finds the humidity and heat here too much. Due some rain , wish it would hurry up! We are never happy with the weather are we ha !
The hot weather is not so good if you have breathing problems Whit and Pete finds the same. I keep an eye on the pollution levels online and Kevin Robinson from BLF has posted some good tips on staying well in this weather.
Take care xxxx
How hot is it there Whit? ☺ Its 88 f here in nj usa..Have air conditioning .
Sorry you are all suffering from the heat. Where I live we missed it all yesterday Not a speck of sun to see. At least able to do a bit of weeding and want too cold. Today we are having the long awaited rain. Hope you are all feeling cooler and breathing better today barnowl