I have had wheezing cough mucus on and iff for months 4 dises of 40mg Steroids which seems to ckear but never clears mucus in throat etc told to try n use Blue inhaler instead of steroids but month after course bad again literaly whistles in throat n crackes, nasal drip also can't sleep! I 'm on strongest Trimbow Montelucas, Anthistermines and nasal spray, Nacys is anyone had this and what did they do for you, seemed she said Iwas on all they can give me !?
Mucus and Wheeze: I have had wheezing... - Asthma Community ...
Mucus and Wheeze

Have you tried carbocistine?... its only purpose in life is to make mucus thinner and less sticky... all in all making it easier to cough up/clear out
I take these to thin mucus you drop them in abit of water I’ve used these for around two years now they seem to work for me only trouble is sometimes the chemist can’t get them so I always order them early just in case I have to wait for them come back in stock I take one 600mg daily hope this helps😊xx
I thought you said Nacsys sorry this is what I’m on they are a dissolvable tablet in water to help thin the mucus for you to bring it up easier 😊xx
I’ve got emphysema though so I don’t no if it any good for other conditions you would have to ask a medical team if you haven’t got copd xx😊
Have you had your bloods checked? I had months of this back in 2021/22, my gp insisted it was nasal drip and late onset allergic asthma, I was on a blue inhaler, fostair 200, carbocisteine, but still really unwell despite many courses of prednisolone (they began to refuse to give these to me 😟) in desperation i took out a credit card and sought private help, i was diagnosed with severe eosinophilic asthma from previous gp blood tests accessed at my first private consultation, it was life saving, gp's knowledge of respiratory illnesses is very limited, I would definitely be pushing for a consultant referral, I hope you get some good help very soon x
which hospital did you go to for your private treatment? They sound very good.
Spire, in Histon near Cambridge
They were amazing, immediately looked at the blood results taken by my gp a fortnight earlier (the gp had said these, as with all previous bloods were completely clear) truth is I had Eosinophils of 1.1, lots of allergy blood tests and a CT scan, all confirmed Eosinophilic asthma, I paid for 3 months of treatment to get me well enough to wait, and then limped on for a further 14 months until i finally got to see an NHS consultant at Addenbrookes, who lucky for me have also proven to be fantastic, sadly my gp's continue to be uninterested, but I do have the great support of the severe asthma clinic so I feel lucky.
Are you on the injection?
Not quite, but on the road 🤞 i had a consultant appointment Wednesday this week, because I'm becoming more and more prednisolone dependent he's referred me for biologics, I'm nervous but hopeful x
Are you on the injection? How have you found it? Do you have e asthma too? Sorry, firing questions at you 😊
whats the injection?
I my daughter has eosinophilic asthma and has been on the injection a couple of years been a life changer
That's so good, I'm pleased to hear your daughter is doing really well on the biologics, I have everything crossed it works for me too 🤞😊 can I ask which one she is on? There's a few I know and I'm interested in understanding what works well for eosinophilic diagnosed, with no allergies x thanks in advance
Thank you so much 😊
Sorry its Fazenra Benralizumab. What a mouthful 🤣
Honestly everything medical is a mouthful 🤣 x fazenra is the one my consultant mentioned on Wednesday 👍 I think (but don't know for sure) that it's the preferred for non allergic eosinophilic, thanks again, I'm super glad I found this forum, and all the good people on here 😊
Yes it's so helpful. My daughters consultant fought for 3 year to get Fazenra for her but everytime she went for a review shd had been been on steroids. Eventually he got it for her, she was so grateful.
I had similar problems, sometimes my voice was so bad people could hardly hear me. The mucus in my throat impossible to clear.
Then I went to my GPs to discuss my indigestion and Famotidine was added to my drugs. Since then throat and mucus a lot better and haven’t had any prednisolone scripts since. Silent reflux not asthma in my case.
Do you take Famotidine all the time ?
hello trace 58, I have the same issues I have a cough and on two inhalers Trimbow and ventolin. I have an emergency pack of Amoxicillin and Steroids which I take when the inhalers no longer work. I have recently had to take the amoxicillin and steroids as I was struggling to breath I’d been bringing up green mucus and then my lungs changed from being very wheezy to bubbling rumbling sound it was then I had difficulties breathing and I took the emergency meds about 15.00 hrs and at 21.00 hours I felt a change in my lungs the bubbling had subsided and I started to cough . I don’t want to tell you what I coughed up but it was horrendous all this stuff was blocking either my throat area or the lungs. I’ve been told I have post nasal drip I have a nasal spray and strong antihistamine tablets which the doctor told me should help. I still get bad wheezing at night and cough very hard to try and clear it but nothing comes up I do struggle to sleep as the loud wheezing sounds like a motorbike keeps me awake until I’m so tired and exhausted I nod off. The asthma nurse is ringing me next month she did text me and tell me if I’m no better then I will have to be referred back to the hospital to find out what is going on as I’m on the most medication they can give me for asthma, there isn’t anything else they can give me. The strange thing is that throughout the day it seems to ease off and sometimes it’s gone then it returns and it can be quite embarrassing as my friends have commented on the wheezing. I have recently coughed up some strange white long curly mucus it was quite solid but I think this was the colour probably because of the inhalers? That’s just me presuming and over thinking the situation. Anyway I hope we both get this sorted I’ve had this issue for many years when I was younger it seemed to go after antibiotic treatment now it goes for about a week after anti biotics and the 5 day steroid treatment but soon returns after medication has stopped.
yes the same
Did you have the Covid vaccination or Covid. I’ve heard people saying after having Covid it’s taking longer to recover even after having antibiotics and steroids. .., it’s scary to think about.
Hi Yes I’ve had all the Covid vaccinations to date. I do have a dreadful wheeze and use both inhalers but they don’t stop the wheezing only antibiotics and steroids together get rid for a short time and it’s back again I’m having a call with the asthma nurse tomorrow have just received a message from them .
I’ve got a constant wheeze … I can’t get rid of it. Every time I exhale I hear it. My oxygen levels are at 98%
hello I’m the same my oxygen level fluctuate from 92 to 96
Mine are 98% after my fostiar inhaler. Usually it staters at 96-97%. I’m going in a couple of days time for another asthma review. I’ve been stepped up to fostair. I didn’t want to step up to fostair. It still hasn’t got rid of my wheeze. Let me know if anything works with getting rid of your wheeze.
You could try and go to A&E especially when your oxygen levels drop to 92%.
Before Christmas I sought a private appt with a respiratory consultant. After a high res CT Scan I was diagnosed with Bronchiectasis lower right lung lobe. Where the doctors said I had a chest infection??? There is no cure and I now have to do breathing exercises to release the phlegm from. Lungs . This s the root cause of my problem along with ‘ Sleep Apnea ‘ often found with folk with respiratory issues according to the consultant. Doctors are mechanics sometimes we need the specialist
I was referred to the severe asthma clinic, after 4 hospital admissions in a year and after several test I am now receiving Biologic treatment. Which is wonderful.
At the clinic I saw a respiratory physio, who prescribed saline solution to be deluvered by a nebuliser (which was prescribed too). This loosens the mucus. I do it morming and night. I then use an Aerobika flutter devise which helps to cough up the mucus.
Ask for a referral to the chest clinic. There are a lot more treatments available . Unfortunately some GPs and A&E staff are not clued up on asthma and respiratory diseases. I am lucky I eventually got a referral. I hope you get sorted soon
sounds good whatBiologic ?
not heard of that I will ask Respiratory people thanks
not heard of that I will ask Respiratory people thanks
Hi, I have recently been put on Trimbow after being on Fostair for year's. I had a spirometry test recently and showed my lungs to be of an 89 year old which terrifies me. I'm 59 and love to exercise but this cold weather doesn't help getting about outside. I've been diagnosed as asthma crossing over to copd, never smoked but always suffered from undiagnosed asthma from childhood. I've had bronchitis several times growing up and pneumonia once but never given inhalers or steroids until I was an adult. I had a pneumonia vaccine last week and have been really poorly since, instead cold going onto my chest . Chest so tight and full of phlegm on steroids. Has anyone else had symptoms, feel like it's given me a dose. My immune system is very low too as had shingles, did tell them before jab but said would be ok. Declined flu jab due today. Good to chat to others in similar circumstances 🙂 xx
Have you put a sample of mucous in to your doc?
I used a health coach who got me on all sorts of protocols. Was a bit sceptical at first but I was able to walk the dog without weezing quite quickly.
my opinion ‘have your flu jab ‘! Flu is to serious to mess with especially if you are compromised by respiratory issues. Pedro