Hi folks like most of you have had steroids and antibiotics for chest infections one after the other... the usual coughing chest X-ray blood tests and sputum tests have all come back clear....? The cough has eased but I am left with coughing up lots of white thick mucus (sorry for the grafics) am having a lung function test on the 20th Dec as apparently I have to get the steroids and antibiotics are out of my system....!! Is there anyone that is suffering from this and any recommendations to stop the mucus..? Thank you in advance ..
Mucus: Hi folks like most of you have... - Asthma Community ...

Sorry to hear this. Something which might help is to cut down on dairy food as while this doesn't produce more mucus it does make it thicker and harder to cough up. Drink lots of liquid (water best, but not coffee, tea or alcohol).
If you are having infection after infection it could be a sign something more is going on. Have you ever had a CT scan? I would ask your doctor and see what s/he says. x

Hi I did have a CT scan months ago and they detected scarring on my lungs....but that was before all these infections so maybe I will ask for another thank you 😀
Sorry to hear you are suffering. I agree with the above - keep well hydrated with water and practice regular active cycle of breathing techniques to ensure you are clearing as much as you can and getting right to base of lungs. Also try and identify any specific triggers such as dairy, dust, pollen etc. This explains ACBT well if you are not already familiar with it acprc.org.uk/Data/Publicati...
Good luck!
Like coughalot says, try cutting down on dairy. I also found antihistamine helps.
I recently got shot of a chest infection by catching a different one that killed (or out-competed) the first one that I'd had for ages. (Hoping the new one does not stick around for so long).
Agree with increasing Fluids. Can also understand the notion of avoiding Coffee (due to it's diuretic effect) but below is a snippet about Tea Drinking and Bronchodilation that may encourage 'more' Tea Drinking. (Note the term 'original tea' is explained in the full article, but essentially I understand it to mean normal Tea you brew in a pot or find in tea bags (not fruit tea, or tea with flavorings or other odd stuff added) .
'....Theophylline is rarely used anymore due to the availability of short acting beta2 agonists that have both a much larger therapeutic index (safety margin) and superior efficacy of bronchodilation. Good Source: Coffee / Tea / Caffeinated Drinks. This review found that even small amounts of caffeine can improve lung function for up to four hours. Therefore caffeine can affect the result of a lung function test (e.g. spirometry) and so caffeine should be avoided before taking a lung function test if possible, and previous caffeine consumption should be recorded. The average concentration for theophylline in the original tea is 63.7g/mL, original coffee 34.8g/mL and coffee mixture 0.2 g/mL. No theophylline compounds detected in the samples of original chocolate, chocolate mixture and tea mixture. eprints.ums.edu.my/12388/
Tips to avoid further infections (that cause mucus) include, NOT drinking from poorly washed cups and glasses at cafe's, bars, pubs. (Take-away cardboard cups you get from coffee chains are a much safer bet than the china / porcelain ones that other customers have used). Forks and Spoons in cafes, Pubs and Work's Canteens should be treated with suspicion (you could carry a pre-treated cloth to wipe them with if you want to go that far). Minimize exposure to Doctor's Surgery, Hospitals, Dentists etc - try not to sit close to anyone else (and don't handle the magazines other patients have been reading) Carry some of that anti-microbial hand gel you can get from Boots and use it while in Surgeries, Hospitals (and when departing them). Avoid crowed shops , markets (go when it's quiet), try to avoid contact with kids (who carry tons of germs), be extra vigilant in Gyms, Swimming Baths and similar venues. Also, Workplace Toilets (plus Lavs in all the locations touched on above) are, of course, epicenters of bugs. Eating more Fibre reduces microbe attacks on your gut / colon lining. Microbe attacks on your gut lining may contribute to increased general inflammation via leaky gut. That 'general inflammation' can leave you vulnerable to bacteria and viruses that cause infections.
That could be my life you've just written about. I always have a strong Alta Rica coffee first thing to help open my tubes. I have been on phyllocontin for nearly 30 years (was told at one time it was a listed poison and worked best on a toxic level but make sure you inform hospital you are taking them before they treat you). I rarely eat out and when I do I take my own cutlery, mainly because of arthritis I find it easier to hold and cut with, I usually drink water so ask for a bottle (and wipe the top). I don't go to pubs nor work. When attending my doctor's surgery, at least one every 4 weeks, I always use hand gel and same for hospitals (though I do try to avoid them if I can having had bad experiences). I don't do crowds, I shop at an Extra Tesco (nice and big so more space to avoid other people who wear "perfumed" items or smell of smoke) and try to go early when it is empty (I am usually there for a couple of hours as I have mobility problems and can't move quickly and have to repeatedly stop. If I can I never use toilets other than my own (always put seat down before flushing - us ladies will do this automatically but having a husband and 3 sons men don't). Sorry for long post
My consultant prescribed MONTELUKAST which is effective for some people .Someone else on this forum recommended buying a Flutter device from Amazon ,but I have nt tried that myself Best Marilyn
Hi respiratory physiotherapy exercises are useful to get rid of mucus..ask the doctor..best of luck