Hi all, anyone had this bad dry cough? I’ve had it 6 weeks now. I am on day 3 of a 5 day prednisone course doesn’t seem to be helping atm. My cough causes my throat to spasm and then I feel I can’t get air. My peak flow is 700. I’m also using lufrobec inhaler. And I’m constantly trying to clear my throat and it’s irritating and tickling any tips guys?
very bad dry cough : Hi all, anyone had... - Asthma Community ...
very bad dry cough
Hi Lee, iv had the same for years, been through so many tests, was diagnosed with LPR, some days are good and some bad, try not to eat late 3-4 hours befor bed
Hi mate. It’s awful isn’t it. I am wondering if I have a whooping cough I asked my GP about that and he said it’s rare to have that now.
Hi LeeCould be post nasal drip. I had a cough but didn't really notice more mucus than normal. Dr prescribed a nasal spray and cough stopped. Just a thought. Worth asking about. 🤔
ok mate.. would like a Sudafed nasal spray be ok?
Only use Sudafed or Otrivine for 3 or 4 days, after than you'll get rebound symptoms that are worse than the original symptoms and long term use can damage the sinus tissues. Your GP can prescribe a steroid nasal spray to address the ongoing post nasal drip. Takes a little longer to work, but better results long term.
Have you spoken to your pharmacist and asked for a throat spray as this may help your throat. When I get like this I take Tyrozets as they help to numb the throat but unfortunately they have stopped making them and my stock pile has nearly run out so I’m trying to find somethings else as with having asthma we can’t just take any throat medication.
Has your doctor talked to you about vocal cord dysfunction? A lot of us with asthma develop this and it is quite uncomfortable. I have it and it really acts up when I'm in a flare up. It's hard to inhale and I clear my throat constantly. Could be a good thing to check out. Unfortunately there's not a ton to do for it aside from breathing exercises that are also good for asthma--diaphragmatic breathing etc. One exercise is to stick your tongue out and pant three times ten times in a row (might want to do that one alone! Seeing if those help at all could help you get a sense of whether that's what's going on-
Have you been tested for allergies to house dust mite and other things you may be exposed to eg pets? House dust mite totally gets me, my asthma gets worse (cough variant) and I wake up streaming with sore eyes. I’ve just had to spring clean my bedroom and hoover mattress, change covers etc which has helped a bit. It is possible to have long-term treatment to desensitise to allergens