My 5 year old has asthma and is on preventative inhalers. He's recently had a flare, triggered by a virus. The cough got worse and has eased, however, it is lingering, we are on week 2 now. When he runs, dances etc he coughs and if he moves from inside to outside. Any reason why? Or tips to help it go? Ideas as to if we can treat it? Currently he's on seretide.
Lingering dry cough: My 5 year old has... - Asthma Community ...
Lingering dry cough

I think it just takes time, I would be inclined to just avoid him pushing the limits of what his lungs can handle
After a flare it can take a while for the lungs to recover.
Okay, thank you for this advice. We've been trying to stop him running etc but feel a bit sorry for him when he's only 5! Sometimes feel like he's not having a "normal" childhood. But, it's good to hear that someone else at least thinks it's not a bad idea to give him a chance to fully recover. Thanks again.
Could be a reaction to all the tree polen of which there's a lot at the moment. It seems every dry day we have the pollen levels are High and wetter days its Medium. Does he have a rescue inhaler like ventolin or salamol - usually blue? Many children's (and adult's) airways close due to exercise and many will have a puff of ventolin before exerting themselves. It's worth requesting one so your child can lead a normal playful life. My g'daughter 11, carries one in her sports bag for before sport lessons, running etc. (Teacher is supposed to keep inhalers in a locked cupboard & allow children access to them when needed but in reality that doesn't happen).
Best wishes, P

Hi Bettynano, would you like to discuss with one of us on the helpline? 0300 2225800 option 3 for nurses ☺️👍 (mon-fri 0915-5pm excluding bank holidays)
Does he attend an asthma clinic? If not,in UK,he should. Montelukast has been a game changer for my 5yr old grandsons asthma x
hi please speak to your asthma nurse or doctor soon as it sounds like he needs a review , he should also have an action plan also on how to manage his asthma when things get worse .