Does this cough ever go away? I’m constantly coughing especially when I’m on bed, it disturbs my sleep every single night, I’m not too bad during the day, but at night it feels like it’s all night long, I’m on Fostair 100/6, when I mentioned it to the asthma nurse (who to be honest was more than useless) she never even acknowledged that I’d got a cough, I’m also on a blue inhaler for when I get into trouble, but again I’m struggling to recognise an attack, almost every other day I struggle to breathe so take the blue inhaler, sometimes 2 puffs work, sometimes I end up taking around 6-8 puffs. I’m just so fed up with it all now, I’m newly diagnosed and it’s all so overwhelming
Cough, cough, cough.... : Does this... - Asthma Community ...
Cough, cough, cough....

Some controller inhalers have left me with a cough. Talk to your doctor and see if you can try a different controller.
Do you check peak flows?
I was on Fostair 100/6 initially & it never helped my asthma at all, wasn’t strong enough, my GP changed it to Fostair 200/6 and it instantly made a difference & settled down all coughing so try going back to your GP and ask for the stronger one to try...good luck!
I’m going to try and get an appointment with my gp after the bank holiday, the cough goes away during the day but the minute I lie down I cough all the time, I’m always so tired too, I go to bed around 8pm and straight to sleep as I am so exhausted
Hi Tezwik.
When I had the really bad cough at night and it was affecting my sleep I went to the chemist and they gave me a bottle of medicine called Codiene Linctus of which I took 2 spoonfuls and it worked for me. You don't need a script for it and think it was about £3. It might help you.
I find a woolly hat / beanie stops coughing in bed
It doesn’t sound like you asthma is fully under control yet. I’d go back to the gp or nurse and ask for a referral for further investigations to help you understand your triggers and see if you are taking the right combo of meds.
I was a night cougher (still am sometimes) but I have got it under control with - the right asthma meds, becoming a runner via couch to 5k, taking vitamin d (recommended by asthma uk nurse - call the helpline, it’s so good), taking probiotics, and inhaling steam. Most nights I don’t wake myself up coughing - which I used to do all night, every night.
It’s a lot of trial and error but you can get there. It took me 2 years!
Try hot water ginger honey and a couple if drops of lemon. And take 2 x paracettomols 3 times a day. It helped me. No more coughing and sleeping quite well. I had this cough for about 3 weeks. Good luck hun.
I must admit, the professions are hopeless when it comes to persistent coughing. I cough all day every day. Never smoked. All I do is have a drink with me 24/7 and sugar free sweets at all times
Anti histamines might help
Montelukast at night.
Let me now how it goes
I’m going to try and get an appointment with the GP, my coughing settled for a while but since my last infection in March the coughing never seems to go away, I’ve had various lung function tests that all show up as clear for both asthma and COPD yet there’s clearly something going on as I’ve had 6 or 7 infections since September 2018 🙄
Could be cough variant asthma or acid reflux. You need to see gp. Try to keep a diary so you can demonstrate when it’s at its worst and best.
Definitely go to see about your cough!! Do peak flows regularly right now too. I ended up with an asthma attack and chest infection it was frightening! (not saying you have or wanting to frighten you) I had that night time cough too. I learnt something about cough medicines too in hospital. They wouldn’t give me anything but as the doctor explained they’d actually like you to cough so infection is less likely to settle in your chest. I was given physio to learn how to relax with coughing and how to help lift any phlegm or mucus by doing a huff cough. Don’t be miserable and shattered as I know I was and still am, but I’m definitely on the mend! I ended up on magnesium,nebulisers,steroids,antibiotics and that’s helped me so much!
Take care of yourself
I’ve had my fair share of infections, I think I’ve had about 7 since September, that’s initially how I got diagnosed, I haven’t got an infection at the moment, when I get infections I very quickly become rally poorly. I too have been advised not to take a cough suppressant due to being vulnerable to chest infections it stops the lungs clearing themselves and clearing the muck naturally.
How long have you been taking Fosrair? It took 6 weeks or so before becoming effective for me, I was coughing till it took effect. Do you use a spacer and take several deep steady breaths? (difficult initially as it triggers the cough). My asthma nurse asked me if my cough could be a habit!?

I’ve been taking the Fostair since January, so plenty long enough to get used to it, the coughing is easier than when I was taking the clenil (brown inhaler) but it’s just not shifting at all
Coughing mostly while in bed points to silent acid reflux and/or post nasal drip, both very common in asthma sufferers. I have both and sometimes it’s really hard to control them. I have to avoid eating carbs, spices, coffee, tea and chocolate at dinner and I sleep almost in a sitting position 🙄. Always have water to sip all night long.
My son had a constant cough at night particularly his inhaler made no difference. I took him off wheat and dairy and it stopped within 3 days. As an adult I recommend you try for at least 2 weeks to see if it improves. We are what we eat, try an elimination diet. I know many people who gave up dairy to find that after 30 years of asthma it went away. If you do try taking dairy out of your diet dont switch to Soy based products as they can also cause asthma. Try oat milk, rice milk, Hemp milk instead. But try taking wheat out at the same time. There are loads of wheat alternatives in the supermarket. Inhalers and other medicines are not curing you of the problem they are only dealing with the symptoms.
I never thought to eliminate dairy, I’m on a wheat free diet anyway as I have a skin condition that is irritated by any wheat, so I’ve been wheat free for years, I shall switch over to lactofree and see if that helps.
Also look out for anything else, perhaps you may be eating alot of something that is triggering it. My son developed an asthmatic reaction to Bananas having slighlty overdosed on them. He can eat them again now, but just keep your mind open to there being something that you might be eating alot of. I know pork can also be a trigger for skin complaints. I would love to know if you manage to cut out dairy, they say you really ideally need to cut it out completely. So watch out for margerines actually still having buttermilk in them. There is an avocado spread which isnt expensive at waitrose, dont know if you are on a tight budget. Anyway I really hope it works. I was so distressed by my son's cough (he was 7 years old) and it was such a relief to find the culprits. Also try to boost your immune system as it is so often a combination of factors.