Hi all,
Just wanted to report on my first attempt for international travel in 2+ years (since the pandemic and then since my asthma exacerbation). I've been on Xolair for the last 7 months, and gradually built the confidence to drive across the channel to attend a wedding. I had a FFP2 mask on while driving. Stayed in 2 different hotels, both with hardwood floors (easy to find in Belgium and Germany, unlike in the UK/USA). I still did not trust the hotel mattress/pillow (dust mites, pets who stayed in the room before etc), so I built a portable HEPA/charcoal filter that blows air into a 150mm hose and into a small tent. I set the tent on top of the hotel bed, and it worked quite well for sleeping. The filter also got rid of any odors (from hotel cleaning etc). The filter is on wheels and quite bulky, and the hotel management did not mind. The set up is shown on the picture. The cost to build this was about £1000 -- tent + HEPA box.
Interestingly, I felt much better outside in Germany than in the UK, despite the pollen. Not sure why -- trees, grass etc are not much different. Air pollution? No idea.