I was admitted to hospital Wednesday after having trouble with uncontrolled asthma for three months. I had used ten puffs of ventolin. Sat quietly for half an hour and was short of breath but not majorly struggling. I then had to go upstairs to the bathroom. Big mistake. By the time I came down I couldn’t speak and couldn’t get air in. So frightening. Hubby took me to a and e. And he Knew to 999 if it didn’t settle. They were fab. My heart rate was going through the roof when I walked or did anything. And I was told it would be unsafe to o home. They started me in two different nebulisers. Which made a big difference. Thankfully. Was discharged yesterday evening on extra steroids 40. Mg for four more days. A new inhaler and montelukast. I have a follow up appointment with consultant early Oct. I’m feeling very emotional. I think it just really frightened me. I have never been so unable to breath. Another time might 999 it. But they take a while to get here.
First stay in hospital with asthma - Asthma Community ...
First stay in hospital with asthma

I feel for you having had multiple hospital admissions with severe asthma.
It's quite normal to be feeling emotional maybe a bit shocked and in my case downright scared.
You may also be feeling emotional due to the dose of steroids you are on -marvellous stuff when needed but can play havoc with emotional well being.
Did the hospital give you a rescue plan /advice how to recognise if you are deteriorating?
Best bit of advice a paramedic told me was don't leave it too long if unwell get medical help sooner rather than waiting.
Do hope that your appointment with consultant goes well-ask questions be pro active you know your body better than anyone else.
There are lots of knowledgeable folk on here to offer support and info.
Good luck .
Sorry to hear this, hope your now feeling settled at home and recover well. It’s never easy to make that call sometimes but trust your instincts. Take care.
I feel very sorry for you, its difficult not to panic, I've been hospitalised many times, once in Dubai! on holiday. I always panic and it would not be so bad for me if my local surgery was understanding but they are so casual about my condition and my meds you would think they had to pay for them out of their own money!!
Hi Dizzy
So sorry to hear this - do you have a follow up appointment with your GP booked? You need to have one if you have to go to hospital with an asthma attack - if you tell them you've been in hospital (they should know already from the hospital) they should see you the same day or within 48 hours at least. They need to check you're ok and not slipping back.
I've been on Montelukast for years also after going to A&E - the consultant there prescribed them as they have an anti-inflammatory effect in a different way to the steroids. An asthma attack is an assault on the body as well as the mind so it's no wonder you feel scared and emotional and as other posters have said the steroids can play havoc with your mood. You will feel better soon and make sure you check in with the GP as soon as you can.
Also contact the Asthma UK nurses for advice, 0300 222 5800, they are a brilliant source of support.
Hi dizzy. I was wondering how you're feeling now?