Hi all --
Assuming your asthma is well controlled (via Xolair or your inhaler of choice), do you still get symptoms if exposed to smoke (e.g. a nearby fire), or from being near smokers? I have a respirator mask with me at all times, but it still takes a few breaths to realize there is an issue and to react. Today there was a fire next to my office. The air supply is not filtered (need to install an intake filter there). The smoke was not major (clear sky etc), but I could smell it, and after 4-5 breaths I started getting chest-tight. It's good that I was able to take the blue inhaler, go home, and retreat into my HEPA tent. But the thought of always being vulnerable like this (and that a fancy drug and my respirator/tent are the only things that keep me alive), is unnerving. I am on Xolair, so I thought I could deal with at least some minor challenge like this. In the winter, people burn wood all the time just "to stay cozy".