Why are they trying not to give Asthma sufferers COVID vaccination???? I have severe Asthma and rang My GP to get my jab and was told NO, and that I wasn’t entitled to it.... A week later I rang back up and said I MUST be entitled to it as I get sent for flu jab Yearly, to which they did a 360 degree turn and booked Me in for My COVID jab....
COVID jab: Why are they trying not to... - Asthma Community ...

All adults are entitled to the vaccine but many will have to wait until their age group is being vaccinated, even if they have asthma.
It appears that the definition of severe asthma for priority group 6 is; hospital admissions for asthma treatment and/or at least 3 courses of oral steroids in 3 months in the last couple of years. If your asthma is controlled (no hospital treatment for exacerbations or repeated systemic use of oral steroids) then you won't be in group 6 even though you qualify for a free annual flu vaccine. GPs are expected to stick to the criteria and have had to deal with many unhappy patients.
At least you've been able to get a vaccine appointment.
I think it depends where you live and your gp surgery. I suffer from mild asthma and early forties Was surprised to receive a tx from gp with a link and asked to book appt for vaccine. I had mine two weeks ago. My friend daughter the same early thirties mild asthma and eczema but she has declined the offer she is antivac.
I was told by a friend who is a Nurse that if You get contacted by Your GP every Year about a flu jab then You’re eligible for a COVID jab, which makes sense.... I think with the current shortage of vaccinations they are putting off People who are entitled to them.... You need to ring your GP and basically tell them you’re completely eligible and you want it.. The 2nd time I phoned they said “no” again but I wouldn’t let it go until they gave in, I had my first jab Today.. I’m 37 with 3 kids with a underlying breathing condition, My neighbour who lived over the road was 32 with 5 Kids and no underlying health worry’s and COVID still killed him in March 1st My Birthday which really opened My Eyes, I’m just so glad I’ve had the first dose
Poohbah is correct in terms of who is entitled. There are many petitions going round and Asthma UK themselves have been lobbying to include all asthmatics in group 6. The current argument is research has shown covid doesn't affect most asthmatics any more than a healthy person.
Anyone who doesn't fall into the guidelines and receives their covid vaccine is lucky and in most cases 'demanding' won't actually get anywhere. My G.P surgery will not speak to patients about the vaccine and state you will be contacted when eligible.
Of course demanding won’t work everywhere but it doesn’t hurt to try as they can only so no again.... I can’t for the Life of Me understand the logic of not offering the vaccine to ALL Asthma sufferers .... The virus is far to new for any thorough research to prove 100 per cent that there’s not a increased chance of becoming seriously ill for minor Asthma sufferers.... I would have thought the attitude would have been it’s safer than to be sorry like they do with the flu jab....
Ah, the oral steroid thing has changed, again. I'm sure it was you who pointed out (about this time last year) that if you'd had 4 X 5 day 40mg courses over the previous 6 months then you should qualify for shielding. I then had a, shall we say, "strained" conversation with a GP at the practice with her eventually saying a firm "No". Then a call back the next day to apologise and say I was correct (I was pretty dumbfounded at this admission). I shielded for the Summer, went back in Sept. and have shielded since January. My work is a shambles. A big outbreak at Christmas where they admitted to 38 people being infected (a play on stats as this just covered one shift, the number was well over the hundred mark and more when counting the casuals). Our small section of just over 100 has 4 people off long term, one of which has been in hospital since Jan 5th, and several off pretty much every week. Oddly enough there are only 3 of us shielding. I'm sure there should be more but some of them feel they just can't live without the overtime... y'know, to go holidays and stuff.
In short, I'd like to thank you Poobah for giving me the info to get me out of that hellhole and safe from the morons.
Sorry but the title of your post is not correct , no one is being refused a vaccination . It is physically impossible for the NHS to vaccinate everyone who needs it at once . Roll out has been on an age basis , because age is the single most critical factor in Covid fatalities . The NHS has done a fantastic job and the vaccination program has moved very quickly , it is likely that their program had moved onto your group in the time between your two phone calls .
Must be your area? My mildly asthmatic son in law 44 has had his jab in Buckinghamshire. My daughter, gestational diabetes, age 37 has had hers in Cambridgeshire. P
But this is My point that as they have come to a shortage of the vaccinations they are turning away People completely entitled to it.... Once this month is over they are talking about just carrying on with the second dose and delaying People getting their first dose for a couple of Months.... The fact is if you’re sent for a flu jab every Year now You are now eligible for your COVID jab and if they refuse you them make sure you point out this fact to them, as this is what seemed to do the trick for after being told “No” to Today having My first dose.... I have 3 Kids I’m 37 with a lung condition, My neighbour was 32 with 5 Kids and no underlying health conditions and COVID still killed him on the March 1st which is My Birthday.... I’m not gunna lie it really shook Me up because if it can get him then it can get Me, so I’m so glad to have had My first dose Today
Here is a link to the exact criteria and priority groups.gov.uk/government/publicati...
And the Green Book which breaks down the exact meaning of severe asthma;