My husband has eosinophilic asthma, takes fostair 200/6, montelukast, flixonaise and more. He has just finished a course of prednisone. He went to Dr last week and asked about vaccine and was told that because he hasn't had a hospital admission in the past 3 months he wasn't classed as severe so will have the vaccine with his age group . He struggles so much every day due to his asthma and sinus problems (nasal drip, polyps, lost smell and taste 2 years ago, on waiting list for sinus operation ) yet he is apparently not entitled to the vaccine. His peak flow dropped to 1/3 of his best a few weeks ago so he has been taking blue inhaler during the day. It has made me quite angry, he never got a shielding letter but has left the house probably 8 times since last March as we know he should have been shielding. I am convinced he has been overlooked as he isn't one to kick up a fuss, he just plods along. He was only diagnosed a couple of years ago after being severely ill and being admitted to icu.
Overlooked for vaccine, apparently no... - Asthma Community ...
Overlooked for vaccine, apparently not vulnerable !

That does seem really odd... especially if he has had an icu admission..?
Has he not had anything from his consultant? I have had shielding/vaccine info both from the central NHS but also from my tertiary hospital who also offered me the vaccine ( even though I’d had it already via GP).
Can he chase up his hospital team and ask them about the vaccine maybe? Bypass the GP?
Sorry if he’s already tried this.. but it might help.
🤞he gets sorted soon. 😊
Did you speak to a doctor or the receptionist, because one of my specialist advised me to contact my GP as my lung problems, which I have more than one, and see what position I was in in relation to the vaccine. The receptionist said I was red lighted on their system and was at the top of the list after the 1st group. I am lucky as my surgery always give me and my family a first rate service but I have had conversations with other Asthmatics who always find it difficult to get an answer and also have troubles getting through to speak to a doctor and when you do talk to a doctor you are fobbed off. I would E.Mail your surgery and request in writing what conditions etc that you are being treated for.
Hope that you feel better soon.
Stay Well Keep Safe
Thank you for the reply. He sent an econsult form off to the gp surgery as this is the only way to get an appointment now, you have to fill the form in and then get a reply from either a dr, nurse or receptionist. A dr called him back and said he would offer a face to face appointment, which he had last week. He was given a course of prednisone and told he wasn't classed as clinically extremely vulnerable. We need to message them again and ask what is on his records.
Thank-you for the reply, he saw his consultant about 6 months ago and was told that as he is managing his asthma well he will be seen again in 12 months and then discharged from the respiratory team.
That’s really dreadful..
The asthma guidelines are quite clear that anyone who has been admitted to ICU for an asthma attack should be be kept under secondary care indefinitely.. he really should not accept this.
The guidelines are online and easy to find so maybe he should print or refer to these and fight his corner with the GP and consultant.
I hope he gets the care he deserves.. good luck!🤞🤞
It appears your husband qualifies for group 6 because of his hospital admission. The following exert is taken from the green book, chapter 14a. The GP can enter the relevant code onto your husband's digital records to move him into Group 6.
Chronic Respiratory Disease
Individuals with a severe lung condition, including those with asthma that
requires continuous or repeated use of systemic steroids or with previous
exacerbations requiring hospital admission, and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) including chronic bronchitis and emphysema;
bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung fibrosis, pneumoconiosis and
bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).

Hi Tinytune, I am sorry to hear the difficulties your husband is having. It does sound like something has been missed here, if he was admitted to ICU for his asthma at anytime in his life he should be included in the shielding criteria and therefore category 4 for the vaccine, please see the following: People with severe asthma are still classed as being clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) and should continue to shield until 31st March. The Government has extended and expanded this list and you will receive a letter, e mail or text if you have been included.
Having severe asthma generally means you are either on continuous oral steroid tablets (Prednisolone) or you have needed 4 courses or more in the last 12 months, you may also have been admitted to hospital in the last year for your asthma, or at any time been to intensive care for your asthma.
Please speak to your GP or asthma team/specialist if you are worried that you should be shielding and you haven't received a letter.
Here's the Government advice:
If he is still having problems from his recent flare -up he should speak to his GP or 111 again:
Additionally, we can be contacted on 0300 2225800 M-F 930-445 for advice
Thank you, he was very ill 2 years ago, I called out 3 ambulances within 3 weeks and the final time he was blue lighted to rhesus and then put in respiratory high dependency, not actual icu. This is when he was diagnosed as asthmatic and his life changed. I am so annoyed that he has not had shielding letters or been classed as vulnerable. He doesn't like making a fuss and plods along everyday, takes his meds and registers his peak flow twice a day on his App. He has a shower at 6am daily which helps him cough up lots of mucus. Life is very different to 2 years ago when he would get up and go for a 10k run, walking makes him breathless now.
I am waffling now so will go and compose an email for the drs.
That’s so sad to hear, I have eosinophilic asthma and take similar medication as your husband. I was diagnosed two years ago as well, if he still has symptoms like he is I would go back sooner to the consultant. I know everyone is different but my medication works and I am fine exercising etc. My consultant always says if anything changes there is more that can be done with the injections for asthma. Might be worth asking about that option.
Also I have also had my jab so that’s not right at all, I have been on numerous courses of prednisone but none for the last 6 months or so!! Hope he gets sorted 🙂
Thank you, I thought it should go on the flu vaccine list . I was called for my vaccine last week and felt it was so wrong I was given it before my husband. I am a carer as our children have autism ++. I obviously had the vaccine as that will help to protect my husband as well but I should definitely not have had it before him.
I am so sorry that you have been overlooked. Is there another list you can go on which lists you as vulnerable? I have had my Vaccine yesterday in the carer category which hit before my age or condition became a factor. I was identified because of my carers allowance and had I waited for the GP to be honest, I would be the last person to be done in the entire world as I am always getting overlooked. I get a flu every year on a priority list but to be honest I don't think I know any more how it works with Covid.
Your husband sounds as if he is quite vulnerable to me and I think you should insist. Speak to another GP or the practice manager, you may have slipped through the net. It does happen from time to time.
The government only realised carers are a group who should be done after pressure. All carers here are now being done. The central booking is off the wall with the number of people now coming forward. I got my first appointment locally and you have to book a second for some reason. There were none available. The lady on the phone could only do it by putting in a random postcode. I have my second one booked for Kent. I live in Liverpool.
I had my first vac and have to call to change it later on, but at least we are both done now.
I am hoping for you that you get offered one soon for your husband. Something isn't right. You have to be like the woman who hounded the judge every day until she was given judgment. Don't give up. I am certain you will get a result. ❤️
I’m sorry I do know how worrying it is as I was told it’s only a case of having 3 lots of antibiotics and steroid in 12 months, but even if his gp is incorrectly informed I had to really argue my case and a friend in a similar situation is hopping mad over the rude way she was dismissed at our practice in North Walsham . Cases of infection are dropping dramatically now so on the good side just sit tight stay careful and if your weather is as dreary as ours it’s not worth going out . A bit more time at home now we’re all so used to isolating won’t hurt and even people who have had the jab are still staying very very careful. Springs on the way try to relax and feel lucky to be at home together as so many are trapped alone which must be awful 💛🌻👌
I am in Bucks. Do not meet the criteria for group 6. Was happy to wait my turn age group over 40. Was surprised to get a tx inviting me for a covid vaccine. I think it depends on your surgery. I did not ask any questions. I would ring gp again.
If he has EVER had a hospital admission for his asthma he should be in group 6. I would print off the page from the GREEN BOOK a government document, and ask them what their argument is against this. I have had multiple hospital admissions in the past including ICU, but the last was over 20 years ago. I had my vaccine yesterday. It is not up to GPs to make their own criteria they should be following government recommendations. You could also email a complaint to the practice manager (although you would have to have him say this is from him I think), this would mean that when they reply they have to put their decision in writing, mention that if you do not feel that they are looking into his case properly then you will take your complaint to the next level, I can't remember off hand who this is but it should be stated in your GPs complaints procedure.
Just reading this as I've just joined HealthUnlocked. I was classed as CEV and was told to shield from March last year. l'm on Fostair 200/600 x 2 , Qvar 100 x 4 and Montelukast and had a recent asthma attack before COVID hit I was hospitalised for 10 days on oxygen. It might be that he is viewed as having his asthma symptoms under control like you say. No recent hospitalisations. I think if you are hospitalised you are added to the list. I've had 3 doses of OCS too my asthma is pretty bad and only well controlled if I load up on the medication (for now it works...) I've had asthma 2.5 years late onset.