So today I was booked in to have my Covid vaccine- I’m CEV frontline NHS worker currently shielding. I swear my lungs knew that something important was happening, so perfectly timed they decided they need some attention! My peak flow was slowly heading in a downwards trend, and I woke up Thursday morning tight, wheezy etc etc! Call to GP and the severe chest clinic, GP says steroids for 7 days and call to see how I am doing on Friday. The Asthma team called me back too and agreed that pred would be the best thing - they don’t like you taking pred without them seeing and assessing you first, but give the current situation travelling to central London was out of the question and anyhow I felt to unwell to do that. I’m already travelling there every 8 weeks for my benra injection. So I’ve managed to cling on to staying home by the skin of my teeth. My peak flow is 45% and I’m needing salbutamol 3 hourly. It was agreed if I don’t improve by tomorrow evening-day 3 of pred then I would need to go in, or if I get any worse I would take myself straight in. Needless to say I didn’t get my vaccine today, the doctor who was in the clinic assessed me and said that although there’s no contradictions to say I can’t have it whilst I am unwell, if I was to become more unwell after the vaccine it would be hard to know if it was the vaccine or my asthma that was causing it.
Covid vaccine: So today I was booked in... - Asthma Community ...
Covid vaccine

Oh how disappointing for you! I hope you recover quickly and are able to get your vaccination!
Oh no! I hope you are better soon. Will they slot you in for a vaccine when you have recovered? Do you know what triggered you? Get well soon. Keep safe my friend. 🪴
How disappointing. But it's good to know that the doctor was cautious about the vaccine and potential reactions. My friend, also front line with asthma, had her vaccine appointment cancelled by her doctor as he wants her to have the Oxford vaccine and not the Pfizer one, which she was booked in for - he was worried about possible reactions. Hope you feel better very soon.
Sorry about your vaccine postponement. 🤞it’s done when you are better x
I’m a nurse and got asthma and allergy no epi pen and I had the Pfizer vaccine last week and had an allergic reaction to it.
I’m a frontline social care worker and I got my Pfizer vaccine last week. I have multiple food allergies, multiple environmental allergies, and asthma but no epi pen as I have never had an anaphylactic reaction. Small increase in allergic symptoms for me but I did ok