Hi, my husband has been ill since 27th December, he has had hospital visits and turned away saying he has sinusitis, a cold etc... then was admitted at the end of January. They still haven't diagnosed asthma but said it is likely eosinophilic asthma due to extremely high eosinophils.
His symptoms are no sense of smell or taste, extreme tiredness, wheeze, very short of breath, constantly sounds like his nose is blocked, nose bleeds.
He visits respiratory at the hospital every fortnight and last Friday actually saw the consultant who added montelukast to his medications and increased his fostair 200/6 from 2 puffs twice a day (which we thought was the maximum) to 2 puffs 4 times a day. He is improving on this increase but each time drugs are changed or increased they seem to work for a few weeks then his peak flow drops rapidly.
He is seeing ENT next week as asthma nurse wants answers from them regarding the loss of taste and smell.
Does this all sound like asthma? They say they can't do the breathing tests until he is well enough to do them and that will diagnose. He is booked in for breathing tests again on 31st May so hopefully he is well enough to do them. He is worrying that there is something sinister wrong with his sinus problems going on for so long. He is only able to work part time as by the afternoon he can't stay awake. Luckily work are really supportive.
Thank you in advance.