Tested positive for covid. Not been too good but I think I might be over the worst. We shall see. Cant get my oxygen sat levels above 92 but dont feel wheezy. But chest is heavy. Peak flow well down too, usually 400 now 284 or there about. Should I be talking to dr again. On oral steroids for one more day. Usually take montelukast, ventolin and seretide...
Covid and o2 sats: Tested positive for... - Asthma Community ...
Covid and o2 sats

I think most hospitals are using 92-96 for sats due to oxygen demand being high. So they'd probably say 92 is ok. However that shouldn't stop you seeking help especially as your peak flow is down. You may need more steroids. I think you need to at least speak to a doctor and as it's the weekend maybe phone 111.

I agree with twinkly. If you’re like that whilst on steroids I’d definitely be speaking to someone tomorrow or Monday at the latest (depending on changes) for steroids as well as to check what to do. Hosps want people to be 92+ with their Sats with covid so if you can’t keep them at 92 you probs need to go in. Don’t expect COVID to feel like asthma, it works differently so ‘normal’ symptoms you may look for (like wheeze) may never appear no matter how bad your chest is
Hope things improve soon and that you feel better quickly
Is your peak flow down since you are sick or only the last days?
You said you usually take your asthma meds. Are you also take them now and during your ill?
Maybe there is still mucus in your lungs and they and your diaphragm is still weak.
There are some breathing training and exercises to loosen/remove the mucus and to open and strengthen your lungs.
Thanks for all your advice. Worrying times but will get through this... stay safe folks