Hello all, I am new to this forum so hi there and apologies for the perhaps longer post. I am interested to know if this very high pollen in the UK (highest for 70 years apparently) has had an impact on their asthma, more than normal hayfever?
For me, my asthma has got significantly worse over the last few weeks and I am at my wits end. I am a normally, healthy, fit (run all through the summer months) 43 year old person who has lived with asthma all my life. Luckily, I only (rarely) need things like steroids (Prednisolone) after a chest infection usually in the colder months and need my blue reliever (Salbutamol) occasionally. I also take my brown clenil / becotide during the winter months as a precaution but tend to stop over the summer months as I dont need it.
However, over the last few weeks my breathing has got significantly worse, and I am needing my reliever inhaler throuhgout the day, nearly every 2-3 hrs. My docs has prescribed me Fostair 200/6 (taking one puff twice daily), am on prednisolone, am into the second week and being weaned off it. I have just asked for Montelukast so will give that a go.
I definitely dont have COVID now (as I went to hospital on Wed for test, xray and blood tests and all completely clear - plus 99/100 pc oxygen levels. There was a chance I had it 6 weeks ago, very mild symptons (low fever of 37.6, sore throat, very lethargic and tummy but no cough). However, it is only now that my asthma is really getting bad and as I have a slight blocked nose I am wondering if it is the weather.
Anyone else feeling the same?? Thanks all!