Hi, I renewed my prescription yesterday and instead of my regular Fostair NEXThaler, I was given DuoResp Spiromax, due to the former being in short supply. Is this due to the current crisis or is it going to be a permanent thing?
DuoResp Spiromax for Fostair NEXThaler - Asthma Community ...
DuoResp Spiromax for Fostair NEXThaler

I had my fostair nexthaler 200/6 filled last month no problem. I get two at a time. I live in Bristol
I had fostair 100/6 2 months supply filled with no problems also I am due some more this month
People have been stock piling inhalers like toilet roll. Doctors we’re giving three or four at a time or issuing prescriptions before people needed them. The lock down being announced caused it. This has lead to a shortage. There still making Fostair and asthma uk assured me it should ease soon. I managed to get a fostair and a chemist near me now has some in. It’s a case of ring round and you might have to travel to get one.
I picked up a new Fostair Nexthaler last week and noticed more on the pharmacy shelf. Check with the manufacturer if they have a shortage and if they don't then insist on your Fostair.
I had same issue with Ventolin but a quick webchat with GSK confirmed no shortage. Told the pharmacy I had contacted the manufacturer and suddenly they were able to obtain Ventolin for me. They've tried that a couple of times but I've checked both times and been able to get the branded inhaler.