I’ve just been prescribed Fostair and am struggling with a few things. I have a very sore mouth despite rinsing after every use. Also my anxiety has worsened and I’m unable to sleep. Has anyone else had this experience? I’ve also read that you can’t drink alcohol whilst on it. 1 pharmacist said not too whilst another said there would be no problem so I’m confused. I only have alcohol every now and again. What’s people’s experience of this please.
New to Fostair Nexthaler: I’ve just... - Asthma Community ...
New to Fostair Nexthaler

Hi hope your ok I get anxiety sometimes with my fostair and I feel really anxious for a couple of hours after I’ve took it and it does get better after you have been on it for a while a have a couple of drinks on mine sometimes doesn’t do no harm good luck 👌
Thank you for replying. I’m going to try and stick with it a bit longer and see if it settles.
Hi when I first started fostair after changing from symbicort I found I had really bad sore roof of my mouth and was told to rinse with mouthwash and it really helped after a couple of weeks. With the anxiety I find this fades almost completely after having been on it a couple of years 😊 hope this helps ease your worries x
Thank you everyone for your replies. It helps to know other people have had some initial difficulties but then things have settled. I’m going to stick with it a bit longer. Thanks again x
Are you using a spacer with your fost air as this helps to get into the lungs and not the mouth
No not got one of those. Can I buy one or do I have to get it from the dr? X
Ask your go or nurse but you can buy online from eBay Amazon etc
You won't be able to use a spacer with the Nexthaler as it's a different tyoe of device. You could ask a pharmacist, GP or nurse to check you are taking it right. You should hear a click and whirring sound if you are. However I have been told it is designed to be easier to take as.it doesn't need the coordination of inhalers like Ventolin but also doesn't need as much force to take correctly as some dry powder inhalers. On Symbicort when struggling I would find I could not inhale enough.
I have got on well with it but always gargle with water after taking. I am.on 200/6 two puffs twice daily. The water gargling also worked for me on high doses of Symbicort to stop mouth soreness.
Your mouth issue may be thrush due to the fostair I had terrible side effects but was on this as a preventer and a reliever up to 12 times a day. Took fluconasole which I bought from pharmacy and this helped for a few weeks. Mouth rinsing or mouth washes or use of spacer didn't help. Go back to your GP we have enough problems trying to breathe without added problems from side effects of inhalers. If you have a drink or two don't think this will be a problem research says everything in small amounts is good for you. Try not too worry enjoy your life be happy and most of all stay well.😊
Same here when I got put on fostair I ended up being referred to ear nose and throat and had biopsy’s taken to find out it came back with 400mg daily of fluconazole I have been on this pretty much since as every time they stop it within a week it’s back but that dose is very high gp won’t pay for it so I have to get it from the hospital but still under ear nose throat team now 2 years later
Hey sweet.
I’m on 100mcg/6mcg and I find I get a really dry mouth when using it.
I take 1 actuation morning and night.
I also take beta blockers for anxiety and haven’t felt any anxiety symptoms when using the inhaler.
I have the occasional drink also and haven’t had any adverse affects as of yet.
Best of luck with your new medication. I hope your side effects settle. If not, never feel afraid to go back and speak to your healthcare professional. It’s all about finding what works for you and if you don’t discuss the issues with them, they have no hope of fixing them x
Deffo need a spacer, technique is also very important you need to take a very slow, steady deep breath then hold it in for a second if you're able then exhale gently, repeat for a second time after the last squirt of the inhaler to ensure you empty the chamber of all the drug.
Posted above but it may be hard to see - this inhaler needs a different technique (single faster inhalation) and doesn't work with a spacer (I take it, just wanted to clarify for anyone else using it). Technique definitely key but does vary with different inhaler types!
Sorry if I mislead, I thought it was similar to seretide.
I found taking probiotics everyday helps with my sore mouth, usually it's due to thrush, which often thrives on a combination of preventer inhalers and sugar, cut back on sugary foods, rinse and take a probiotic such as inner health, your chemist will direct you to a good brand. Anti biotics will cause thrush to worsen too. Talk to your chemist. Good luck
Thank you everyone. I feel much more reassured about continuing with it x
Sore throat could be relieved by
having a suitable space inhaler
Rinsing afterwards
Sucking a honey/lemon seeet afterwards
Never ever heard about alcohol inhibiting
the drugs
Certainly not in the drug leaflet
Early anxiety will subside