Hello everyone
My name is Rob from the Uk, hoping someone out there has similar symptoms as i do.
Anyway there is no asthma in my family as far as i know, and i have never had any breathing issues. But back in 2012 where i was 32 years of age, in October time i suddenly had breathing problems where i struggled to breath. But back then i was not one for going to the doctors. A friend of mine eventually let me use their ventolin, i took a puff and instantly felt better.
I then went to my local GP, where they put me straight in for a spirometry test. I then went back to see the GP who said i have COPD and i need to quit smoking. At the time i had no idea what COPD even was, but i did instantly quit smoking and to this day have not touched one.
I came home to google what it was and i was shocked as to how serious it was so i joined support groups. 6 Months later i moved, and registered at a new GP's where i went to see my new GP to get some more COPD medication. The Doctor i saw was angry that i had been diagnosed with COPD, he put me in for another spirometry test.
So i did another Spirometry, went back to see him and he said I have Asthma, and put me on a preventer and ventolin.
Since then i never really took the preventer i just used the ventolin when i needed to. Which over the last 7 years has not been that much, certain times of the year it would tend to flare up but for most of the year i would not use the ventolin.
Anyway i thought everything was fine, until i went for my annual Asthma review last August with a Pharmacist. He said my file said i have COPD, i explained that was my initial diagnosis but then i was re-diagnosed with Asthma. But he said well your file says COPD.
He told me i need to start taking my preventer every day as i told him i never took it. So i agreed, i then left and started taking Relvar Ellipta 92 micrograms/22 micrograms each day.
I noticed not long after taking it, my breathing started to play up, but continued to take it. After almost 2 weeks of taking it, my breathing got very bad, to the point of using the ventolin had little to no effect at all. So i stopped taking the Relvar, then my mind started going into overtime of what the Pharmacist had told me, i start googling and got myself into a right mess.
From then my breathing got worse and worse, i developed a 24/7 wheeze inhaling and exhaling. I was back and forth to the Doctors, the put me on steroids oral tablets which had little affect.
Went back to see the Pharmacist and he put me on a new preventer in early October last year, Fostair. First 2 weeks of taking it i only went 3 days of not having to use my ventolin. Week 3 and 4 i went 8 days without Ventolin, week 5-6 i went 9 days without using ventolin. Week 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 i did not use ventolin once. So it was helping although i did experience a lot of chest tightness.
Then there was times where climbing a few stairs i was out of breath! Other days i could climb them fine and was not out of breath at all. In the middle of october i performed a lung function test at the hospital, my breathing was not good that day so knew the results would not be good.
I am still waiting for an appointment to see a specialist about that lung function test. I also suffer with depression and anxiety and all this waiting and not knowing has destroyed me literally. Around Christmas time i came down with a cold, which followed by a chest infection, which did not seem to last long. But since the chest infection i now have constant chest tightness, well one minute i will feel fine, then a few minutes later it will change to minor chest tightness, then minutes later back to normal, this cycle has gone on for the last few weeks now. Ventolin has no effect on the tightness which worries me.
So anyway, my symptoms are mainly chest tightness accompanied by breathlessness, wheeze. Never really had a cough but i was told that you can have asthma and not have a cough. It is just so strange how the last 7 years i have felt great and rarely used my inhaler, then go for my review with pharmacist, where he puts into my head i have COPD then boom my breathing went downhill from that day, it was as if he put a curse on me.
Sorry for the long story, but feel so alone lately and have never felt so scared. Hoping someone can relate to somewhat.