The doctor reviewed my asthma around 9 months ago.
At the time i was using my Ventolin once or twice a week but just a few weeks previous I had been using it two to three times a day this was winter time.
I was prescribed symbicort as a preventer, with a diagnosis of mild asthma.
I agreed and in fact looked forward to not using my ventolin. I took 2 puffs of the symbicort twice a day and I noticed after a while I was using my Ventolin less if at all but I also noticed that my voice went very hoarse and it felt like I was constantly having to clear my throat because I always had a lump there.
I continued with the symbicort for a few weeks and then as my breathing became better I stopped because of this hoarse throat.
I continued with only occasionally using my blue Ventolin and everything seemed ok for a few months I have been an on/off smoker for a few years struggling to give up and at this time I stupidly started having the occasional one again and inevitably my chest slowly became worse and I noticed that I was reaching for my Ventolin more often maybe twice a week I started to experience pains in chest which i kind of ignored. Then one day out of the blue my asthma was worse again which continued.
I became worried about heart attacks etc. and started reading lots of information on various heart, lung and breathing issues which at this point I gave up smoking and vaping (which I had tried as a smoking alternative) and re-started taking my symbicort inhaler two puffs twice a day but my symptoms didn’t get any better In fact they got worse I had to use my Ventolin more often, my hoarse voice and lump in my throat returned and I had constant feelings of impending doom as my breathing issues were on my mind 24 / 7 (at this point I should’ve returned to the doctors but was for some reason scared to go) instead I stopped using the symbicort again and within a few days the impending doom fear went along with the throat lump and hoarse voice.
But I am now at the stage of having to use my Ventolin up to three times a day,
In the morning I wake with a slight breathing restriction and use my Ventolin and after a minute or so my breathing becomes normal and I clear away a little clear mucus I then may need my Ventolin again after eating lunch and maybe again after eating in the evening.
Occasionally after eating I also have slight chest pain and sometimes my shoulder aches which is a very common effect of Hiatus hernia or acid reflux (I have been taking medication once a day for this for years after being diagnosed after having a camera take a look)
I have now been reading lots about Hiatus hernias and acid reflux which has been recognised to be a major cause of breathing difficulties due to stomach acid getting into the win pipes / lungs. And the fact that my breathing problems seem to be triggered by eating and are apparent when I’ve been laying down i.e. sleeping, I’m more inclined to think that this is my issue rather than just asthma alone.
It’s been around 3 weeks since I stopped my symbicort and while I don’t have the heart burn pain symptoms mainly because I try to eat less and I don’t eat after 6.30pm. I am always experiencing slight tightness daily which makes breathing laboured or at least I’m thinking about when my next tightness will appear and as a result is extremely depressing.