Hi guys, i visited the doctors a few months back to review my asthma. As i was using my Ventolin usually once or twice a day they wanted to change me from my brown inhailer to symbicort as a preventer.
I agreed and infact looked forward to improving my asthma. I took 2 puffs of the symbicort twice a day and to be honest this didnt really make much difference, i still needed the blue inhailer once or twice a day on average.
I continued with the symbicort for a few weeks and then i started to experience pains in chest which i kind of ignored. Then one day out of the blue my asthma was terrible. i was wheezing and felt as if my wind pipe was very restricted (the same feeling us asthmatics experience when we need our Ventolin), it was horrible. I took my Ventolin and to my dismay this did NOT help the situation what so ever.
That day i went to a&e have an ECG, blood pressure, oxygen tests etc as initially the symptoms pointed to my heart which is to be expected. All of them came back fine and healthy. Any how they sent me home and said reassured me i am fine. Over about a week the breathing difficulty day by day started to get better/manageable however it never went away.
I went back for a checkup still having chest pain and they diagnosed me with acid reflux which also plays havoc with breathing due to stomach acid getting into the win pipes / lungs. They gave me some meds for this to suppress the production of stomach acid and the heart pain did subside.
Its been around 4 weeks since then and while i dont have the heart burn pain symptoms my asthma has never been the same pre symbicort. I am always 24/7 having slight to medium tightness which makes breathing labored and as a result is extremely depressing.
I can only think that the symbicort has made my asthma worse? I have decided as of today to stop it and see how i get on and see if the symptoms of labored breathing improves.
I would like to know other peoples experiance with symbicort and if they have experianced this as i kinda feel alone. The frustration of taking the Ventolin and it NOT helping 24/7 is so frustrating and im clutching at straws for answers.
many thanks,