Hello all - This is my first post, but have been lurking for awhile. I am having problems getting my Salbutamol repeat. I used to get two inhalers but this was flagged by pharmacist and I was called to an asthma review with Asthma nurse at my GP surgery. Unfortunately although part of this surgery most of life (56) now the staff have all changed in the last 18 months.
At review Asthma Nurse said I must go to consultant my asthma is not controlled despite me assuring her it is the most I’ve been controlled for years. She has insisted I see a consultant.
I have two types of symptom the one I get with colds and infection. Really inflamed lungs, wheeze like an old steam train, slows me down, can be out of Acton for weeks, need steroids and antibiotics to get better. Three hospital admissions over 50 years 2 pneumonia and one Acute bronchitis the later 3yrs ago. Not had a real serious attack since then.
The other symptom is daily I’m well normal then bam, I hit a trigger and suddenly can’t breath, much slighter but tighter wheeze take salbutamol and it is reversed mostly in about two minutes, sometimes half an hour. Then I am fine again.
I have explained this to 3 GPs now who agree I don’t need to see consultant and put me back on repeat for two Salbutamol and happy for me I’m controlled. But I keep getting flagged and have to go to nurse and go through the whole sequence again.
My questions sorry I know it’s long!🙁
Does anybody recognise these type of symptoms and do you use salbutamol daily? I would say I have 1 quick attack most days but can have several.
Two should I insist on seeing a consultant to stop this yo yoing between Pharmacist, nurse and GPS?I’ve been before and nobody has ever been able to prescribe anything that has prevented the short attacks but salbutamol reverses them well.
I feel I would be taking up resources for people who are really out of control and struggling.
Sorry for such a long first post but every time it’s time for repeat I feel I’m on ground hog day.