So this question is mainly aimed at people who have a mild form of asthma I guess.
And I know that I've asked a few questions before and gotten advice based on it but just wondering if someone has been in this situation or what I could do. Thanks in advance. Trying to keep this short...and failing
I was initially labelled as having asthma 4 years ago when I presented to my GP with a constant cough, for over a year, that was worse at nights and in the morning and definitely worse after exercise (I would, and still do have a 20 min period of paroxysms of coughing).
I had mild exertional shortness of breath at the time too that I failed to recognise until I started on Ventolin (failed to recognise because I thought the SOB was me loosing fitness thanks to bullying that was going on, despite doing nothing differently...hadn't thought that was relevant until was at the GP yesterday). At the time I would get mildly short of breath around 1-2am as well some nights a week but as it was exam time when this started, I believed people when I was told it was panic attacks despite never having had them before, and my only symptom being a bit of breathing issues.
My GP started me on Ventolin and beclomethasone, the coughing persisted so I was titrated up to Symbicort, avamys and cetirizine over a period of a few months. Within 3 weeks of starting on Symbicort my 10km running time improved 10mins and I was able to swim the 400m sets at swim team like the rest of my teamates, no longer needing to stop. This was in the middle of winter in Eastern Europe, where I was able to cycle to college in temps of -10 without much issue. It was great!
The coughing however persisted and over the following 2-3 years I was requiring Ventolin daily, and the breathing issues worsened. In summer I am pretty good but in winter I hit episodes every few weeks where I require 10 puffs of my inhaler several times a day, and that period lasts a few days. I struggle to walk or do stuff at home without getting short of breath, and running or swimming is non-existent for the week that this happens.
Last winter I was given pred for the first time, and it worked for about 3 days before I went back to the GP hoping for a nebuliser but as I couldn't talk because I was so SOB, and my heart rate was 160 I was sent to A+E and referred to respiratory subsequently. I was started on montelukast and changed to fostair and though the coughing has definitely subsided it's still present.
I just had the best summer in over 5 years with coughing mostly when laughing, exercise and at night. Ventolin requirements were only a few times a week and periods of breathlessness affecting my regular activities were a few times a month. I moved to the UK for work in August.
Three weeks ago I got bronchitis (shocker! ) and have been sent home from work 3 times since, and given nebs at work on all 3 occassions. I was given pred 2 weeks ago which worked somewhat but as I went through 2 Ventolin inhalers in 2 weeks with it, the GP wouldn't re-issue the Ventolin without me talking to him, fair enough. As my sats have always been fine and peak flows never drop and spirometry shows fixed small airways obstruction and mild obstruction and CT scan was fine he is questioning my diagnosis of asthma.
Which to be honest I completely understand. He is wondering if this is all anxiety driven because of the way I am describing my shortness of breath...but my understanding is that with anxiety you get other symptoms, or are somewhat aware of being anxious or there are triggers? I could be wrong though.
But he said that he can't give me any meds for anxiety as that would either kill me or land me in hospital if it turns out I do have asthma
He didn't seem to think that me stopping all my meds was a good idea either, when I suggested that.
I am just wondering if someone has mild asthma that doesn't wheeze or has anxiety how you managed to figure out which one it is? I am fully aware that there could be a component of both at play here, and if it is all anxiety that's fine (I no longer have to take inhalers everywhere).
I guess that right now neither asthma nor anxiety fully make sense. I get that my peak flow is always fine so that it doesn't make sense it's asthma, but why then do I notice a difference when I take ventolin before exercise, and what's with the constant cough and exertional shortness of breath? And is it possible that anxiety can be so subtle that I'm not aware I've had it for 5 years and it's sole manifestation is shortness of breath with exercise in the summer, and daily during the winter?
Would appreciate any input/insight you may have, sorry for the long ramble. I hope it hasn't come across as an inappropriate post and I definitely don't want it to be that I am shutting out my GPs' advice - I am just very confused and frustrated at not knowing one way or another (and have managed to confuse my really nice GP who literally told me he didn't know what to do with me other than increase my Fostair inhaler and to ask me to try persist without Ventolin as much as I can and see what happens).
I am hoping to go back to the GP at some stage and explain all this to him again when I get a chance...