So I had my flu jab back in October as usual but a few weeks ago I started to feel very unwell, I had a trip to see my GP who told me I had a chest infection. Over the next couple of days I became much worse, aching all over even my skin hurt, my temperature was low 35.3 even though I felt really hot. I spoke to my surgery and they gave me antibiotics to treat the chest infection and I queried if I had flu, I didn't get a direct answer, having been off work for four weeks I'm still coughing and struggling to breath. I had ten days of 40 mg prednisone then reduced it every two days I'm back to my normal 5mg daily dose now but I still feel really unwell I have been back to the doctors three times and their view is it's just time I need, to recover, I feel I'm being a nuisance going back again and I really don't know what to do. Has anyone else had this? I'm so fed up and so is everyone around me. 😩
Flu? : So I had my flu jab back in... - Asthma Community ...

Just the same for the past 2 weeks!
Yes, I have. I had a similar thing at the beginning of November. It has taken an absolute age to go. I was off work for 10 weeks in total. Not what you want to hear I should think.
It has been(and is) a beast of a winter for chest complaints. Whatever chest infection I had made my asthma go completely out of control. I had 4 lots of antibiotics, 2 lots of pred, some add on meds and 4 changes of inhaler and although am recovering still get very out of breath doing anything strenuous and I certainly did not consider my asthma to be poorly controlled.
I lost count of the number of times I was backwards and forwards to the doctors and my most recent emergency appiontment was only a week ago. It does seem to take a very long time to recover but I hope that you get there soon.
I was the same. Thankfully my asthma is better but I am left with a post-illness fatigue. Feel exhausted most of the time not helpful when you work full time! For me it's now about listening to my body so I'm trying to eat well, rest when I need to as I find I can't concentrate on things and do gentle exercise, I walk my dog every morning before work. It really is time. This flu thing or whatever it is has floored the most healthiest people so people who have conditions like asthma it hits us harder. It is frustrating but don't punish yourself, look after YOU. Hope you feel better very soon.
Hi, if you’re not getting better I suggest you take a sputum sample to the docs and ask them to test it to actually identify the resistant bug you have. That’s what I did after being so ill for weeks, and they forgot nd my bacteria was resistant to lots of antibiotics so at last I am on the right medication 11 weeks in.
I really do believe you have to give yourself time to recover. Being worried about how long it takes to get better may be prolonging the illness, although of course your worry is perfectly natural. The general feeling ill, without specific pains, just feeling yuk, is a feature of your bug, and that takes weeks to go away. If you take Brommers' advice and get the test done, it will either tell you that you too have a drug resistant bacteria - more pills - or that you just have to be patient and indulge in box sets for a while.
Thanks everyone I went back to my GP this morning and unfortunately I have another infection, my chest was clear a week ago so I'm now on clarithromycin and preds again signed off till 23rd with instructions not to return to work untill I'm feeling a lot better.
A friend of mine had 'flu and it took her - a normally very healthy lady - 8 + weeks to recover. She had cough and all the aching muscles, incredible tiredness etc. If it is 'flu then antiobiotics dont' work as flu is caused by a virus. Even if you have flu jab you can still get flu as there is more than one type and the vaccine only works against certain ones.
If you are coughing up mucus which isn't clear then ask to have it tested for secondary chest infection in order to get the right antibiotic. If your chest hurts or your asthma sytmptoms are worse then best to get that checked. Otherwise yes it can just take time! Keep warm, plenty of fluids and rest, and mild painkillers, and patience!
Hope you feel better soon.