I had a flu jab this morning and I've felt absolutely awful since. The nurse told me that they weren't aware of any side effects this year, however I know that there will have been but just unreported (like me!). Within about 5 mins I had developed a headache and nausea. By the time I'd walked home (about a mile) I felt so drained of energy and my flatmate said I looked very unwell, just what I wanted to hear! I felt slightly better after a cup of tea and managed to get a bit of uni work done but couldn't face eating anything or decide if I was hot or cold. I had a tutorial this afternoon and my tutor also asked if I was ok, he said he was concerned that I was about to collapse. Since then I have had a 2 hour nap and still feel drained, nauseous and have a headache. I managed to force myself to eat and now really regret it.
Sorry for the moan but I'm the only one in the flat and have no one here to moan act/ give me a hug!
Is it an evil flu jab this year? I've only had one flu jab before and was fine with that.