You're probably sick of me by now with all the questions lately, but I have another. Sorry.
I was wondering if asthma symptoms can still persist even on oral steroids if still exposed to a trigger. The reason I ask this, is I think I have a sinus and tonsil infection (bacterial) and my consultant mentioned once, that my trigger could be infection. So if it turns out I do have an infection will the oral steroid not work until I clear up that infection?
I believe I may have a chronic sinus infection, that doesn't necessarily bother me as much, to the point that over the years I've not done anything about it. When I had a chest infection 12 weeks ago, I had a lot of antibiotics and noticed after that my nasal mucous was clear and no bits of blood. The last couple weeks or so though it's gone back green and tiny bits of blood (not a lot). I don't feel congested or anything and it doesn't bother me. I'm obviously going to discuss this further with my gp on Monday.
Thank you a again. I learn so much from this site.