I've had this non productive cough since early December. Sometimes I can cough up some sputum but it is really difficult. Found a video which showed the Huff cough technique which does work but I'm basically sore from all this coughing. Night times are awful, usually starts at 3am for a good hour then I'm left feeling tired the next day. I have had 2courses of antibiotics and 5days of steroids. Chest x Ray was clear?? My inhaler is 200/6 Symbicort and I normally take 1puff twice a day but actually taking 2 puffs 3 to 4 times a day. Had a time off work too before and after Christmas and New year. Just want to feel well again and lose this cough. Going back to GP tomorrow as had enough now.
Cough just won't go away. : I've had... - Asthma Community ...
Cough just won't go away.
I completely understand what you are going through. Have had cough, sore tight chest and SOB since the beginning of November and have lost count of the number of times I have been to the doctors! Have had 3 lots of anti biotics 2 lots of steriods and still the beep beep beep thing won't go. It started as a viral chest infection that I caught from my husband but has become the worst asthma exacerbation I have ever had. I totally understand that it must be getting you down as I have felt exactly the same way. After a couple of good days I now have a sore throat and am coughing again. I can only offer words of comfort and support as I have no idea when this is all going to end.We just have to keep positive and hope our bodies heal.
Thank you for prompt reply! I'm a nurse too which is why I'm frustrated. I am going to ask for a blood test to rule out anything else. I love running but can't think of doing it atm.
I had every test going, 3 lots of blood tests, 2 chest Xrays, ECG, Echo cardiogram -all clear so I sort of know that it's nothing too serious but that still doesn't explain the SOB, the sore chest and the cough which is SO hard to live with day in and day out. I have not been at work for nearly 10 weeks now and actually some days feel like I have left the human race completely.I love running as well but have not been able to even think of it for nearly 3 months or been able to cycle...sob.I really just hope this is a horrible virus which will suddenly just magically disappear....can but hope.
I had exactly the same thing - my asthma nurse said that there is a virus going about that does exactly this. I was so sick of coughing all night I have now been put on montelukast and it seems to have done the trick. Last night I had a full night’s sleep for the first time in ages. Might be worth asking your dr/asthma nurse about that if you’re already maxing out on preventer inhalers.
I know what it's like, I've had the same since early December too (December 1953) I'm now 64 and try to see my cough as an asset, while I'm still coughing I'm not in my coffin. Seriously though it is very annoying I hope you feel better soon.
Pholcodine cough medicine is very good - can buy over the counter. Worth a try especially at night.
Hi sorry to hear about your cough, it's horrible waking in the night with it and tiring especially if it is a viral infection.
With regard to bringing up any sputum have you tried an old fashioned steam inhalation? I usually use a small amount of Vick in a bowl of very hot steaming water twice a day to loosen any sputum and relieve inflammation. (Use a towel over your head so that you can breathe in the steam and keep bowl on flat surface / table to make sure ot doesn't tip and you don't scald yourself). It doesn't help with asthma per se but does help with sticky coughs.
I have seen my gp today and he has given me another course of antibiotics as my sputum is green. Sorry to be so honest. Plus a tablet to help with getting the sputum up easier. Yes I have done steam inhalation with olbas oil, put Vicks on my feet and chest at night. Drinking honey and lemon in hot water too. I know it's time to heal but thank you anyway for your suggestion x
hi i know this is an old post.and im sorry to bother you.im having the same issues as you,for months and have had enough.did you get to the bottom of it?thanks
Getting the right treatment when I have exacerbations. I had a bad bout of pneumonia in 2022 and insisted on a CT scan and a respiratory referral.I now have bronchiectasis from the repeated infections.The Consultant prescribes an antibiotic Azithromycin for 3 months which gets me through the winter.I also have rescue packs of other antibiotics and steroids at home.You have advocate for yourself and persist until you get what you need