Hi. I've had asthma since being a child but has always been fairly well controlled with only occasional flair, but since beginning of Jan it has been a difficult time.
Initially I was given antibiotics for chest infection and 30 steroids for 5 days, when these finished 2 days layer I went back as still ill, so was given more antibiotics and 7 days steroids at 40mg. On the 3rd day into the course I went back to docs and was given 2 nebs and sent to hospital where I then was for 8days. My sats never went below 95 and peak flow only went as low as 280 (best 450) but was having a nebuliser of something beginning with I every 6 hrs and salbultamol nebs in between just to control wheeze/tight chest. Was really hard as all docs I saw kept saying "sats and peak flow ok" also I don't always seem to have audible wheeze even when I can't breathe properly. Was discharged on decreasing prednisolone over a few wks, told to use blue inhaler as often as needed and keep taking fostair 2puffs, 4 times a day.
I did get a bit better, and peak flow even went up to 450 on last wk of steroids, but then went back to 280 (although I've noticed peak flow doesn't always get that low even when I feel terrible) couldn't get Dr appointment despite calling every day until eventually I pushed and saw nurse who gave me a nebuliser there, back on max steroids and more antibiotics (but pretty sure didn't have infection) on day 3 steroids had to call ambulance as blue inhaler was not working (using multiple times in hr and 20 In 2 goes puffs before ambulance came) they gave me nebuliser of one beginning With I which helped a bit but still v wheezy and breathless so they took me into hospital. Sat in A&E for 12hrs having nebuliser in waiting room as no bed, finally got bed but had to wait 2 days to see specialist finally saw same asthma nurse as last hospital visit who said to increase fostair to 4 times a day, so explained I was still on that from last visit and he seemed confused. Hadn't had nebuliser on 24hrs by that point but using blue inhaler every hour at least (more if walked to toilet) which he said shouldn't be happening on max steroids etc. Chest wheeze much better by then but still feel like I'm breathing through a straw and v short of breath. He's given me Montelukast to try, but explained it's not immediate and may not work.
I know there are people so much worse than me who have to be ventilated and on life support so I'm grateful it's not that bad, but still really scared now and fed up as been ill for so long and never been like this before. I have 2kids under 3and no family support so scared something could happen while husband away at work (he's been around the last 2 ambulance calls) I also seem to be really sensitive to triggers which didn't affect me before (perfume,other people cigarette smoke, household cleaners) and more affected by cold air, other people pets and their excerise.
Asthma nurse said I can call him on Mon to see if I can start reducing my steroids again and he will see me in 3 wks at hospital clinic again.
Sorry for the rambling post, in just scared and fed up and don't know what to do. Any advice appreciated