Hello All,
After already having some great advise on here.
I am just after thoughts on Peak flow readings, I am trying to get my little boy of nearly 6 to get into the habit of doing his peak flow...... Not sure how accurate we are with this!!!
He has just recently had a 3 day course of steroids as had a poorly weekend last.
After picking up almost instantly, yesterday afternoon my mothers instinct feels he is not quite right!!! Peak flow reading we had last night was 150 although he was not wheezy I just felt he wasn't 100%.
Reading this morning just above 100!! Gave him 2 puffs of his blue inhaler as I now sense a slight wheeze! Should I continue giving blue inhaler regularly as Peak flow low?
Going to see asthma nurse next week.
He is fine thought the summer ...As soon as back to school in September nothing but colds and runny nose which always triggers a decline.
Any advice welcome.
Thank you