First Hospital Admission : I was... - Asthma Community ...

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First Hospital Admission

Nifflerluck profile image
31 Replies

I was helping out at work this morning setting up for our Christmas market and someone jumped over a fire extinguisher and it went off and I wasnt standing too far away and almost instantly I felt my chest tighten and a wheeze start.

I started straight away with blue inhaler and the wheeze got so loud heads where turning. To cut a long story short ... took me an hour to get it semi under control and had a cough non stop for the whole day yet wheezing calmed if I sat still yet the minute I stood up and walked even 5 steps it was back. Called GP who said go to A&E ... got to A&E and within 15 minutes I was triaged in resus on a nebuliser and had a dose of steroids.... 3 nebs later and wheeze controlled if I dont walk yet still coughing and chest sore so they gave me some time and PF not really nudging. So now I'm no back to back nebs (now on number 6) ... waiting for chest xray and ecg to be done yet I've been told I'm being kept overnight.

Nebs make me feel terrible yet I guess that's normal yet just feeling a bit overwhelmed as triage nurse said it should be quick in and out yet I've been here for 5 and half hours already.

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Nifflerluck profile image
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31 Replies
strongmouse profile image

My goodness that sounds a horrible experience! Glad that you are being cared for in hospital. Hope that you have some family or friends nearby who can support you. I expect it will take time for your body to stop reacting to whatever was in the fire extinguisher.

Hope that you can get some rest tonight after they have done those tests.

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply tostrongmouse

Thank you, I'm on the ward now, just seen consultant who said they going to do IV magnesium as I've had a total of 8 nebs and I've been told not to get out of bed as moving sets it all off again so hopefully will be all sorted soon !

Ghoulette profile image

I'm sorry to hear you are in hospital. The first time is always so scary and overwhelming, but it sounds like you are getting the care that you need. I hope you chest settles soon and you recover quickly xx

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply toGhoulette

Thank you

Blue-Breeze profile image

Hope you feel better soon.

Remember when you get home you will feel bombed that's how I felt. Best way I can describe it. I had little or no energy after so many nebs steroids magnesiums etc. You need to be gentle with yourself after. Sofa was my friend.

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply toBlue-Breeze

Thank you, I feel absolutely shattered already so looking forward to just getting home. Was hoping it was going to be today yet needed another Neb after the guy next to me sprayed his deodorant and I went all wheezy so maybe later tonight or tomorrow.

Blue-Breeze profile image
Blue-Breeze in reply toNifflerluck

Hope you're home soon

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply toBlue-Breeze

Thank you :-)

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador

Hope you start to feel better soon! Hopefully they’ll get you all fixed up quickly. Remember to take your time once discharged for recovery. Hope you also get a good team (AN etc) to come and visit and help explain anything you are worried about or answer any questions you have!

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply toEmmaF91

Thank you

AN's come and visit at home ?

The doc going to come and check on me again in a couple of hours, they had my discharge paper work ready to go and then I flared up and needed a neb so hopefully I get to go home tonight. Should I be taking time off after getting home? I was planning on just going back to work on Monday.

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toNifflerluck

No. They usually do a round and a ‘meet and greet’ if you like whilst you’re in the hospital. If you are having to stay another day it may be an idea asking if you’re gonna be meeting with them (and if you’re gonna be having a follow up appt in 6 months which should be standard with an admission I think, unless guidelines have changed again).

As you’ve probably experienced once you’ve flared you’re gonna be more prone to triggers for a little while. Plus you’re probably feeling shattered (asthma attacks cause fatigue as does the lack of sleep hosp usually causes). She how you feel when you get gone but I do suspect you’ll need a little time off for recovery (again this is something an AN can go through with you). You’re also meant to have a follow up with your GP within 2 working days of discharge from hosp (so they can see how you’re coping etc)

Hope this helps

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply toEmmaF91

That does thank you, I'll ask when he comes around again later. I dont think they doing a follow up, nothing was mentioned when I was initially told I would be discharged unless they just didnt say anything about it.

I do actually have a review with AN at GP on Monday which I booked a 2 weeks ago.

Thank you very much for the all the advice and suggestions it has helped a great deal and really appreciate it.

Nifflerluck profile image

I honestly almost burst into tears when he told me I cant go home tonight as I'm reacting so easily to triggers I need to be neb free for at least 12 hours and I just stood there trying not to cry and getting annoyed with myself for getting so emotional.

I know it's not the end of the world I was just so looking forward to being at home with my wife and she was gonna make me a cheese toastie and chill on the sofa watching mindless tv and now I'm stuck here for another note ... apologies for the moan I know people have it worse just thrown me a bit.

Oh does anyone know out of experience, I know the nebs can push your heart rate up and they make me shake and sweat yet would they make my muscles cramp up as well ?

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toNifflerluck

Sorry to hear you’re in another night but it’s the right thing... plus he glad they’re going for the 12hrs... mine have 24hrs sans neb 😅. Dw about the tears either... pred and nebs can do that to you (esp if you’re not used to it!)

Aim for tomorrow and dream of the toastie 😉. I tend to plan my first meal out... usually a take away 🍔 🍟 🍕

And moan away. We all do (me especially it seems 😅). It’s therapeutic 😉

Neb will push Hr to max 120 really. So any higher and it’s probs the asthma doing it. And if you’ve had a lot of salbutamol it’ll affect your potassium levels and give muscle cramps. Bananas or fresh orange juice (not from conc) is the best solution usually. Hope that helps

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply toEmmaF91

Hi Emma,

Thank you very much for your response, I had previously typed out a whole reply yet somehow managed to forget to post it and now it is gone.

I am really grateful it's only 12 hours, I might have actually cried if he had said 24 hours.

I ran or more accurately hobbled as quick as I could out the ward this afternoon when the guy next to me started spraying deodorant again and I stood in the corridor still shaking and sweating from the afternoon neb waiting for it to dissipate and luckily one of the nurses told him not to spray in the ward and opened a window yet I still stood there barefoot in PJ's too scared to go back in. 🥵

Last neb was just after 10pm, I tried so hard to avoid it yet couldn't even after using blue inhaler yet if I make it through the rest of the night and morning I should be okay on the 12 hours. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Definitely dont enjoy the whole emotional thing, I normally have it together yet at least I can blame the meds 😂

Will make sure to pick up some bananas and fresh orange juice 🍌🍊 tomorrow hopefully on my way home to Pj's and toasties 🥪

If my counting is correct I've had 16 nebs while here and the nurses keep on telling me I'm tachicardic and think I peaked at 146 on HR hey luckily its come down.

My nose is really congested this evening which isnt helping either yet I've been scheduled for surgery in Feb to try sort out my inability to breath through my nose yet it's not helping matters now and in struggling to get my PF up yet hopefully that has cleared my morning.

Drama on the ward as well with one guy who happens to be in the bed next to me getting all aggressive with the nurse who I really liked and now there is another nurse who in sure is also nice

And I think I should stop rambling now and maybe try and sleep.

Thank you for listening and for the advice and help as well it really has helped a great deal.

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toNifflerluck

Ha. That happens lots on here (another thing you can blame on the pred tho... increased forgetfulness... you have no idea exactly how many things I have misplaced in hosp 😅😂)

Good luck and I hope you are ready for freedom (National criteria is 24hr post neb, however when beds are short they tend to shorten so....). Don’t forget that you’re lungs are more likely to reoffend in the 2 weeks post discharge (just to give you an idea on time frames)

That’s the fun of being on bays unfortunately. You tend to get a faster response time, with people to talk to etc, but are also at risk from the other patients... either actions in illness. I was once discharged when I technically shouldn’t have been solely cause it was the ward that was triggering me (spray, cleaner, perfume, cleaner etc etc). Resp wards patients tend to be better at not spraying, but not always... (I’m currently in a side room, and keep being forgotten (my current admission has not gone smoothly at all 😒) However think I may be here for my own protection 😂)

Hope you managed to get through the night and are safe to go home!

When it doubt you can blame the pred. Can’t sleep- pred, teary - pred, forgetful/angry/mood swings/depressed/shaky/hungry/clumsy etc etc - pred. I have literally cried cause I’ve been given permission to leave a ward to get hot chocolate... then cried again when it was empty 😂😅, and my favourite pastime seems to be walking I to door frames 🙈

Word for the wise - a glass fresh OJ has more potassium in bananas so if you don’t like... (also spinach etc, and sweet potato off the top of my head 😅.... can you tell I don’t like bananas?)

Yeah... people remember that salb can increase HR but manage to forget so does asthma. 146 is an ‘asthma’ HR... 100 might be able to be blamed on a neb... (technically if Hr over 110 it could be a severe asthma attack so...)

Ugh. Hope it clears up. Assuming you’re on the usual nasal sprays to help...

Sorry to hear about the drama, hopefully the nurse is ok - usually it’s the fault of no-one but either dementia. infection or a mental health issue in the patient...

Hope you managed a good sleep before morning rounds 😉

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply toEmmaF91

Oh no , sorry to hear your current admission is not going smoothly 😞!! Hope you get sorted as well and dont get forgotten in the side bay !!

I've been in a side room before for something different when I was still living in south africa yet the nurses used to come escape the craziness and chat to me (I was in for 2 months) so that was an advantage and I had my own bathroom so extra bonus yet at other times it was a pain as like you said often got forgotten. I really hope you get sorted soon as well.

I'm going to use the when in doubt blame it on the pred😂🤣

I must say walking into door frames doesnt quite sound like the best past time to have 🤷🏻‍♂️

I had a feeling asthma might increase heart rate and that maybe should have been an indication on Friday that I should have gotten myself to A&E earlier yet I have learnt now I guess, i think I've very rarely gone under 110 while I've been here, I cal feel it throbbing in my head and eyes and just my face in general I guess 🤣

I have officially made it 12 hours, still cant get my PF up yet from what I've heard the nurses say they needing beds so might get to go on that.

I had no idea one was more susceptible for 2 weeks ... kinda makes me scared to go anywhere 😬🥺.

I like OJ so no complaints there.

The guy opposite had a cardiac arrest last night in the bed opposite me (they got him back ) yet makes me feel bad for a bit of moaning.

Hope you getting on okay today ?

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toNifflerluck

Ha. It’s what I get for being a zebra... (ie a severe asthmatic). I’m used to the fights for correct treatment it’s just irritating 😅.

Sounds like it was a long trip for you... my old hosp I frequently had people come hang with me cause we knew each other so well... 😅😂

🎉🎉 however is your PF in the safe zone? You don’t want to leave just to trigger once you hit the cold air and have to return...

It’s about being safe and sensible. Don’t push yourself and remember to see your GP after discharge 😉. Try to avoid your known triggers as much as you can (ie if cat allergy avoid houses with cats cause you’ll trigger worse than normal cause you’re airways are still twitchy)

Don’t feel bad. We all have our own issues. But it’s not nice to witness... been there myself. Someone died on my bay once, I was noisily vomiting when family came to say final goodbyes. I was trying to be as quiet and unobtrusive as possible, but it can’t be helped unfortunately...

I’m hoping for a doc to come and ok the drug I should have got yesterday... bet it’s a fight or not given tho... oh well. Yet another day in for me... 🙄😅 (at least the pred cloud has lifted a tad so not quite so down/tired/angry/frustrated/tearful as yesterday... 😅)

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply toEmmaF91

What's classified as safe zone for PF ?

I'm still all sweaty and have a splitting headache yet I'm gonna say it's the pred I have also been put on blood pressure meds just over a week ago though bp been spot on today and heart doesnt feel as poundy so all good things.

I still stay in contact with one of the nurses from back then yet being a frequent visitor had its perks at times as would get the occasional extra cuppa tea or biscuit.

That cant have been nice to witness someone die on your bay, yeah forgot we all have our issues and we all here for various reasons and wouldn't be here if we didnt have to.

Bonus that the pred cloud has lifted !! Really hope you win the fight for the drug you need ... why does one have to fight for meds that you need why cant they just give you what you need ?

Apologies if that is a daft question, I mean I've had my fair share of doctors who dont care what your opinion is and do what they want and not always what you need (I've had more hospital stays than I care to count yet mainly always been for surgery)

Yet I dont get why you have to fight for meds especially if severe as you'll know what you need more 🤷🏻‍♂️

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toNifflerluck

Depends on the hosp but usually a variability of under 25%, and at least over 60% best PF at all times (some hosps do 70%, others 75%)

Try and get some paracetamol (if you get on with it) and see if that calms stuff down but sweats and headaches can be from the drugs or from the asthma... glad you’re hr has calm down a tad tho

Always game for extra biscuits 😉😂

It wasn’t nice. But it was expected so that was something.

It’s because I’m an atypical asthmatic. I reverse well but don’t maintain. If I didnt respond to salb they’d escalate treatment no quibble, however cause I do they won’t, however they don’t connect that to stay in yellow I’m having to do 4 vent every 2hrs (if i lower to 2vent or 4hrly i start to hit criteria, but then respond to a neb so no escalation again... however need to get to a ‘not abusing vent’ level prior to discharge... 48 vent a day is a tad high...), plus was on pred prior to admission (which is what they’d usually do to ‘gain’ maintenance) so that’s not gonna help. So I’m not acute enough for their guidelines to escalate because their guidelines don’t cover my ‘style’ of asthma, but not well enough for discharge - limbo. My con and the con I saw yesterday will escalate me cause they know I know what I need (yesterday con said yes to the drugs but didn’t write them up so couldn’t be given 🙄😒😤) so hoping whoever I next see will listen (tho it’ll probs be tomorrow not today...). Hope that makes sense 😅

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply toEmmaF91

Hi Emma,

Sorry for not replying yesterday... did you eventually manage to get the meds you need ????

Thanks again as well for all the advice and chats it has helped a great deal. 😊

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toNifflerluck

No worries. Hope you’re safe and well at home.

Ps of you don’t feel good to see GP today, call them tomorrow and tell receptionist you have to see a GP according to national guidelines of asthma care. Clear calm firm and they’ll usually obey even if they’re a ‘difficult’ receptionist 😉

Just had my mag bag and hoping it’ll calm my lungs for freedom either today or tomorrow

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply toEmmaF91

Glad you finally got your mag bag and hopefully freedom isnt too far away !!

I am home safe and sound, felt worse than I thought I would yet better that I'm home and in my own bed.

I called GP again and the woman was really difficult, I told her I was told 48 hours and she was just well I can give you this afternoon or next week and had a go at me saying if I havent been told to stay at home she doesnt see why I cant come in and she is offering me the appointment today and if dont take it that's my choice she doesnt have any other options. She wouldn't allow me to see a GP said I can only see nurse and it was all stressing me out to much and I'm too scared to leave home alone especially with the cold being a trigger so I just said I would take the appointment next week.

So I'm now in bed watching Christmas movies 😊.

Hope you doing okay and you get home super soon.

Wheezycat profile image
Wheezycat in reply toNifflerluck

For me, too, I was told that I had to be 24 hour neb free before discharge, and then they hung on to me another 12 hours as my pf was so slow to recover. Emotional? Never mind! Last time I was properly poorly at home I think I even wept at the weather report! As soon as I recovered a bit that just stopped..

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply toWheezycat

Thanks Wheezycat, having to wait 36 hours cant have been fun!! I tried to justify that I would be safer at home as more in control of what's in the air and he just gave me that half smile and look that said that wont work 🤣😂

I guess I'll just go along for the emotional ride until a bit more recovered. 😪👀😂

twinkly29 profile image

Good luck to getting out today. As Emma and others have said, take it easy and expect things to feel rubbish for a while. I'm in and out a lot and it always surprises me how difficult it feels once you're home. I guess you just move round more for a start. Sprayers are the bane of my life on the ward too so I know how you feel there. Regarding potassium, jacket potatoes and peanut butter are also high in potassium (perhaps don't have them together 😂).

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply totwinkly29

Thank you twinkly29, I'm still waiting to see doc, did another corridor dash after a nurse sprayed air freshener yet still hoping I get to go home.

I initially had it in my head I would be right as rain once I was home yet from what everyone else has said I've changed my view point ... even in here I break out into a sweat just walking to the toilet🤣😂

I was planning on initially going to work tomorrow yet maybe not.

Hahaha it could be an interesting combo 😂🤣 yet I might just stick with keeping them seperate, I love peanut butter toast so all good there !

Wheezycat profile image
Wheezycat in reply toNifflerluck

Oh, crikey, it makes me so cross! A nurse sprayed air freshener?! All air fresheners should be banned as far as I am concerned. Asthmatics etc apart, they are an environmental pollutant. So why do hospitals even allow them? Sprinting into the corridor can’t have been good for you.

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply toWheezycat

I know what you mean, she kept on apologising afterwards and said she hadn't thought was just trying to get rid of the smell yet thankfully I managed to just get my PF to where they wanted it my best of 3, 2 where under the line and 1 was just on it so was allowed out so got home around 6pm last night. I was meant to have a review this afternoon which I called to change as dont feel safe getting to the doctor on my own and absolutely petrified of a flare up again yet person I spoke to on the phone was super rude and gave me an appointment for a weeks time so doesnt quite fit with the get an appointment within 48 hours 🤷🏻‍♂️

Yet I'm home and in bed.

hilary39 profile image

Sounds awful, hope you're doing a bit better. Take it easy!!

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply tohilary39

Thanks Hillary, doing much better thanks. Still feeling shattered yet breathing much better and taking it chilled at home. 😊

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