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Not sure how much more of this I can take

Asthma-girl profile image
27 Replies

I've got very stroppy lungs and a bad chest infection at the moment I'm on Clarithromycin antibiotics 2 tablets a day,Prednisolone 8 tablets a day , Atrovent inhaler 4 times a day, and I'm using my nebuliser with Atrovent nebules every 4 hours with back to back nebs the rest of my inhalers are at maximum dosage. My peakflow seems to stay between 50 to 140 not able to get it any higher

I can not even remember the last time I have had a good night's sleep, even with all these meds my lungs still insist on being very stroppy and I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.

What do I have to do to get my lungs to behave.

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Asthma-girl profile image
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27 Replies
yaf_user681_27480 profile image

oh asthmagirl am so sorry to hear you're so bad. are you under a respiratory consultant? could you get an emergency appointment with them if you are?

hoping with fingers crossed that your stroppy lungs behave really soon.

take care xx

I really really hope they start to behave for you, take care and try not to get too frustrated (easier said than done I know).


hi asthmagirl, bless you, rant away. you know you're safe here to say what you need to! please stay safe and see the GP or call the men in green sooner rather than later, PEF at 140 maximum has got to be in your red zone! you sound like you're having a really bad time at the mo. :(

maybe a short stay in costa would get IV anitbiotics and kick the infection into touch? feel so sorry for you and wish there was something i could do to get your lungs to behave! no number of ultimatums or bribes will get them to behave though i can see that. no rest is not good either. gentle hugs from the Isle of Man. hope your lungs behave better tonight. xx ><>

Sorry to hear how bad you are feeling, you are not alone and rant all you can.

Hope you feel better soon, let us know how you are getting on.

... U need seen by a dr ..... If atrovent nebs aren't working why are using The inhaler ... Atrovent should only be taken max four times a day ... Your need to see a dr for review of your asthma

... U need seen by a dr ..... If atrovent nebs aren't working why are using The inhaler ... Plus Atrovent should only be taken max four times a day ... Your need to see a dr for review of your asthma

I do so hope that you get better soon. You sound as if you should be in the dreaded hospital for treatment. I don't know how you are coping with pf so low!

If you can't have a rant and a moan here where everyone understands where can you let off steam??

Get well soon.

Asthma-girl profile image

Thanks for all your replies, it is so good to have people who understand what you are going through.

One of the GP's at the doctor's surgery phoned because he is very worried about me I have been told that I have two choices 1) go and see him at the surgery and he will admit me to hospital or 2) phone OOH doctor and they will admit me to hospital. He did make it quite clear that a hospital admission is imminent.

Here's hoping that my lungs hurry up and behave

How are you doing?

Asthma-girl profile image

I don't believe it, after the major strop that my lungs did all day yesterday, it has started again today, this is not helpful lungs especially as I've got a 2 hour meeting to attend this morning and I will not be able to use my nebuliser in there.

gentle hugs from the Isle of Man. really hope that your meeting went ok and that you got to take your meds before and after. please please take it easy, worried about you with you being so poorly at the mo. please keep us posted, we like to hear from you and everyone else on how well or not we are doing!

take care xx ><>

Asthma-girl profile image

I'm seeing my GP on Thursday I am really hoping that she can help me get my asthma better controlled preferably without a hospital admission.

Asthma-girl profile image

For those of you who might be interested - I did see my GP on Thursday who is very concerned about me I have been put on some different antibiotics and have been told that a hospital admission is needed to help stabilise my asthma.

I heard on Friday that the referral has gone to the Royal Brompton.

yaf_user681_30355 profile image

I'm not surprised you will need to go into hospital as you have been so poorly lately asthmagirl. Good news regarding the referral and I hope you hear from RBH soon.

Take care.

Jac xx

Hi Asthmagirl, hope you are feeling much better now and good luck with the Brompton!!!

Asthma-girl profile image

After managing to sleep for about 3 hours I thought that things were starting to improve for me at last, so, here I am at work when lungs decided to play up, having to neb every 2 to 3 hours. Grrrr not a happy Asthmagirl.

Asthma-girl profile image

After managing to sleep for about 3 hours I thought that things were starting to improve for me at last, so, here I am at work when lungs decided to play up, having to neb every 2 to 3 hours. Grrrr not a happy Asthmagirl.

Asthma-girl profile image

After managing to sleep for about 3 hours I thought that things were starting to improve for me at last, so, here I am at work when lungs decided to play up, having to neb every 2 to 3 hours. Grrrr not a happy Asthmagirl.

Is it within your action plan to neb that often? I thought your GP wanted you in hospital, it certainly sounds as if you need it.

Asthma-girl profile image

Hi Spookymilo,

You are quite right my GP did want to admit me to hospital but unfortunately that did not happen due to a phone conversation between a Paramedic and a Doctor on the Respiratory Ward, hence me still struggling along.

I have got an appointment to see my GP later this week so hopefully something will get sorted then

Really hope you get some relief soon sweetie, thinking of you


Asthma-girl profile image

Thanks Snowy, I've got an excellent GP who is monitoring me on a weekly basis at the moment and she has spoken to my Respiratory Consultant's team to plan a course of action until my Royal Brompton Hospital appointment comes through.

Hope you are keeping OK

Asthma-girl profile image

Don't you wish sometimes that you listenend to your GP because they really do know best, in future when I'm told that I'm not well enough for work and needs to be signed off sick I will do as she says instead of thinking I know best

Sometimes we are our own worst enemies as we get so used to dealing with this dsy in day out, we sometimes forget how serious it can get and we get complacent and 'soldier on' when we really shouldn't.

Its only now that I've been told that I've done irreparable damage to my lungs that I realise what a plumb I've been.

As much as I understand the need to get on with life, sometimes we should listen to our Dr's (& lungs)!

That's what I'm giing to try my best to do from now on (don't think I can take another telling off from Dr's/respiratory nurse/family & friends)!!!

I hope some time off will help things settle down for you, as annoying as it is, it does help.

Enjoy your sofa surfing!!! :-)

Good to hear Asthmagirl, now keep listening to your GP and others, look after yourself.

Please keep that sofa surfing/couch arrest to mind.

Angelica, nicely put.

Asthma-girl profile image

Totally fed up chest infection plus engineering maintenance works which involve chemical fumes and soldering work taking place at the office equals very stroppy lungs which requires maximum inhalers and regular nebbing.

Asthma-girl profile image

Totally fed up chest infection plus engineering maintenance works which involve chemical fumes and soldering and dust taking place at the office equals very stroppy lungs which requires maximum inhalers and regular nebbing. Grrr

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