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Not sure how to explain this!

DeanSamson profile image
26 Replies

So the past couple of weeks I thought my asthma was playing up. Breathing getting difficult etc. Then I have realised it's not my asthma but seems to be some form of acid reflux. I do suffer from it heartburn odd pain in chest and that. So...... Last week I placed on prednisolone again 40mg for 5 days then taper down. And over the last week I wake up breathing it almost normal then around 2pm I feel as if my throat is tightening up and breathing becomes harder. I am taking my blue inhaler and it doesn't do anything. I seem to get the odd funny taste in my mouth which is suspect is stomach acid but not 100% sure. At present I feel as if there is a ball in my throat. Went to the choc doc last night he said lungs are completely clear, heart is normal and advised me to quadruple my omeprazole from 20mg a day to 2 x 40mg a day. Which I have done from last night and if I'm honest Im not sure it has helped. Anyone ever suffered with this? Thinking of calling doctors again tomorrow.

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DeanSamson profile image
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26 Replies
AirIsUnderrated profile image

I think it takes a few days for the increase in dose to make much of a difference so stick with it. 👍🏻

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to AirIsUnderrated

Thanks, the stomach acid does seem to be settling a little.

Clairebear35 profile image

I was getting occasional heartburn and now take lansoprazole in the evening at bedtime after trialling gaviscon as the consultant said to me that the reflux could be playing a part in making my asthma worse and take it then. It has improved since being on it but I absolutely have to avoid chocolate as that gives me such bad heartburn and triggers my asthma 🤦‍♀️

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to Clairebear35

Yeah I have started watching what I eat now. Shame I love a bit of chocolate haha

JustR profile image

Reflux and asthma can be horrible! I’ve suffered with acid reflux for over 15yrs now and it really can make my asthma flare. I’ve found knowing your reflux triggers does help. I’ve had a couple of endoscopy’s over the years and consultants put it down to my stomach lining just weakening..most likely all the steroids over time!

When Im in high doses of Prednisolone this also triggers my reflux. What time of day are you taking your omeprazole? I try and take mine an hour before breakfast and then an hour before dinner. Try a couple of spoons of Gaviscon before bed too as this really dies help the night time reflux. Hope you start to see some improvement soon.

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to JustR

Prednisolone seems to be making my asthma worse. The worse thing about it and what made me think it was reflux is the fact that my blue inhaler would not open up my airways. BUT having a glug of gaviscon help after a few minutes. Prednisolone is a horrible drug. I honestly think it wasn't my asthma playing up but the acid reflux. So I have taken 40mg pred for 7 days for nothing now tapering off them. The side effects of pred are horrible.

JustR profile image
JustR in reply to DeanSamson

Yeah I’ve experienced the exact same thing..thinking I’m almost having some sort of asthma flare but it’s actually turned out to be very bad reflux..prednisolone is not nice at all..I’ve been on it for nearly two years now and can’t wean body has become dependant!

Good luck with controlling your reflux, would definitely stick up on Gaviscon!

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to JustR

I was put on prednisolone long term for a trial period as my original specialist wanted to try me on oxlair but didn't end up going on it. I have atopic asthma and would be an ideal candidate apparently. Anyhow I was on the prednisolone for 4 months then came off them they gave be quite a few physiological symptoms like anxiety and stuff. Things I'd never had before it was caused by coming off them too quick and messing with my adrenal glands.

JustR profile image
JustR in reply to DeanSamson

I was tried on Xolair a few month ago, it didn’t work for me. I found my asthma flared up after each injection which no one could really explain why. Im quite sure my adrenaline levels are currently effected and have asked for them to be checked. Our hospitals getting busy again and I can’t see myself seeing my consultant now until the new year.

I really wish I’d never got stuck on prednisolone! Hope you manage to wean back down off it soon.

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to JustR

Thanks it will take me a week or so to come off them. I had a hell of a time weaning off when I was on them for so long. Have you tried tapering down doing a every other day cycle. My asthma specialist had me do 20mg eod for 2 weeks the. 10mg Ed for a week then 10mg eod for a week the 5mg for a week then 5mg eod. It got to the point where is was in the 1mg tablets. I feel for you. 😔

JustR profile image
JustR in reply to DeanSamson

Good to hear you’ll wean back down well. If I’ve had to increase due to flare I usually wean 5mg every 5days..I get to 10mg and then just stuck. I’ve tried 10mg and then 5mg but only lasted 3days. Kept trying when I go through good controlled spells but with the Covid situation my asthma has been worse. Probably the stress and being less active. Going to give it another go soon after my recent flare. 10mg is my unlucky number😬

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to JustR

What side effects do you get when you wean off? I'm curious to see if there the same as mine.

JustR profile image
JustR in reply to DeanSamson

I end up just feeling very tight in the chest

and short of breath. Also feeling very fatigued. I’m almost scared sometimes in trying to reduce because it puts me back a few days and end up going higher on pred and then have to wean down. What was your experience?

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to JustR

This week I was on them for 6 days @40mg and thought I could just stop suddenly. How wrong I was. Around about 3pm on the next day slowly started feeling really foggy headed, no energy what so ever, tired and hungry as if it was low blood sugar. I had something to eat and took 30mg and within a couple hours I felt OK again. Today I went from 30mg to 15mg and felt the same effects at a simular time but not as bad. So had to take another 10mg. Tomorrow I'm taking 25mg and going to come down 5mg every 2 days it's a longer taper than I'd like but I'll have to do it. I hadn't been on prednisolone since February and thought I was doing so well. And what annoying me more is the fact that it was reflux this time and properly didn't need the dreaded things. 🤔🤔

JustR profile image
JustR in reply to DeanSamson

It’s such a hard one but I totally understand the urgency to reduce down quick..I just know from what I’ve experienced is the more time I’ve been on pred the harder it sometimes becomes to wean in larger than 5mg. I remember my first few episodes and weaning off pred was really quick and easy😕

Make sure you listen to your body and if it’s takes you longer don’t get too annoyed with it..I know..easier said than done. I dread reaching for my tablets every morning!

The reflux does sound like it’s triggered by the pred. Oh the joys of being an asthmatic!

Wheezycat profile image

Perhaps consider raising the top end of your bed? It seems pretty standard advice for heartburn.

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to Wheezycat

Thanks I will try that tonight.

Hi there, yes I had severe acid reflux which they found after barium swallow test & was so bad that they thought it could have been it which was triggering the cough reflex (I had this hacking cough which was pretty much 24/7) As I also have SREA they reckoned after a while on Omaprazole Which did not help me, the best thing was for me to have fundoplication surgery.

It’s a big surgery but it’s a permanent solution. Best thing would be for you to find that the Omaprazole works for you obv (or maybe Lanzaprazole would be worth a try?

Good luck with it 👍

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to

Thank for the reply. I think I have been bothered with this for a while and not realised. I'm taking 2 x 40mg omeprazole daily and the side effects ain't too bad as yet. Its the pred that's the problem.

Hazyeyes profile image

I have asthma and get silent reflux, I trialled omeprazole and Lansoprazole and I got more asthma symptoms with Lansoprazole so had to stop it and omeprazole worked for the reflux but had side effects which were awful, causing stomach upset.

I have stopped both now and I just eat earlier in the evening and avoid certain foods like not having too much dairy or spicy food.

My doctor has now just advised trying gaviscon advance.

I also was told to learn how to breathe from my diaphragm as the reflux meant I had shortness of breath.

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to Hazyeyes

I was given some gaviscon advanced it's great stuff. But don't like drinking too much of it. I'm trying some lifestyle changes hopefully they will help soon.

Jaid123 profile image


I've just joined this website tonight and can't believe how similar my symptoms are to some here. I was "diagnosed" with asthma a few years ago. The tests were inconclusive but the symptoms pointed to asthma so my GP has treated as such with blue inhaler. I have flare ups every now and then and bloods showed I am allergic to many trees/moulds/dust and pollen. So the flare ups tied in at different times of year due to changing seasons. But the blue inhaler wasn't halping, so got prescribed brown inhaler. When I'm having these flare ups - can't get proper breath, tightness in chest, struggle to get air etc. Been to A and E a few times and oxygen fine so they couldn't do anything. I did think that at times maybe allergy or intolerance to certain foods - but got intolerance test and nothing showing up. I am now of opinion that it's GERD I am suffering and that is what is presenting as asthma symptoms. I suffer from refux and indigestion - and since taking 20mg omeprazole I have found my breathing to be better. I've also noticed that occasionally I wake with a jolt and this can also be a symptom of GERD - I wonder if anyone else has this? It therefore in my case I think is related to food and hopefully if I can control the GERD, I can control the "asthma" symptoms.

Interesting thread - thanks 👍

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to Jaid123

Hello Jaid, I hope your well. This is so funny but I woke with a jolt last night. Well at least I think I did???? It felt like it came from the stomach tho. 😊😊😊

Jaid123 profile image
Jaid123 in reply to DeanSamson

Hi Dean,

Wow! Do you think yours is associated with reflux? I definately think mine is - it all makes sense to me the jolts, the asthma symptoms - it fits. When I was experiencing bad breathing problems - nothing was helping - blue or brown inhaler didn't ease my symptoms. I was taking antihistamine too which didn't help either. My oxygen was fine and my peak flow was what it always us (around 350.). The only thing I though at the time was it was related to something I eat every now and then - which is why I thought I had a food intolerance. But since researching GERD then I do think this is the reason and I need to treat this and not the asthma. Its early days so I will see how it goes. Hope you keep well.

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to Jaid123

Hello, It's looking that way, breathing is getting abit easier but I find now that my chest gets a little tight after I have eaten. Which I'm imaging that's some sort of reflux. I have tried eating low acid foods this week and made a little difference. I'm thinking the prednisolone 8 tablets a day has made the reflux worse 🤣. Now slowly coming off them. Its catch 22 can't come off them quickly but there not helping. How's you today?

Jaid123 profile image
Jaid123 in reply to DeanSamson

Hi, the prednisolone is horrible - I got that before too and didn't like it. I'm OK today - just keeping going with 20mg omeprazole and gaviscon double action. I note that you take advance - do you find that works better? The jolts in the night are scary! If I could get that and my breathing under control, I'd be happy! Hope you are well.

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