Hi All,
Just joined up and I see there are some very interesting discussions going on in here so I'd like to add mine in If I may.
Have had asthma all my life but not to the degree that some of you have. Always been fairly well controlled with Becotide, and Ventolin. Recently, In the past 12 months or so, I have been moved on to Seritide. A great drug - my asthma has never been better - I rarely use my ventolin now except if I excercise hard.
However - I now have (in my view) excessive mucus production which cause me to cough and hack until I cough up a small ball of thick some times white, wometimes green mucus. Not only is it a very uncomfortable experience but its rather annoying for those around me.
I have seen a number of doctors both at my local surgery and at the Mnor hospital in Oxford, Hs x-rays, Scans, Blood tests etc all of which have been very inconclsive. In fact i had my last appt on wednesday (18th Juky 07) during hich the doc pretty much said ""its one of those asthma things"". She's ot an asthma spcialist though.
Now I'm not asking for medical advice really - just trying to find out if anyone else out there has had or is having similar symptoms and whether you have been successfully treated for it.
If you have can you let me know what is being/was done about it or whether you can recommend me to a doctor/specialist that may be able to give me a better answer?
Sorry for the very long post - hope you're still reading
I'm very much looking forward to hearing back from anyone
Breathe Easy