Hi everyone, I’ve been on here several times and have had problems since last September with my asthma nasty cough phlegm/mucus which is yellow ,have been on carbocistien 2x3 a day and montelukast 1 at night for 5 months which did help significantly for quite a while but now relapsed a bit,I was under my asthma nurse for quite a while she increased my Sirdupla from 125 to 250 for a month and said if it was no better I would have to contact my GP which I have, he has put me on amoxicillin for 7 days to make sure there’s no infection,I have scaring on my left lung as was told I could have had pneumonia or a virus at some point,but I am worried if it’s pulmonary fibrosis,doctor has asked me to try to leave off either the carbocistien or the montelukast and see how I am so I left the carbocistien off and after two days I am struggling to get the mucus up and feel I can’t breath properly,feel like this is a tough journey wondered if any of you have scaring on your lungs, take care guys
Asthma/mucus: Hi everyone, I’ve been on... - Asthma Community ...
Hi there & yes I have all sorts of damage in my lungs & what you are describing sounds familiar. Although amoxicillin is a good antibiotic, I’d suggest getting a sputum sample as sometimes you need a different one (doxycycline for example seems to be the ‘go to’ in my case.
If you have scarring, things like bronchiectasis become possibilities as well. Have you had a CT scan at all?
Hi Minushabens Thank your for your reply, yes I have had a sputum test that came back clear guess that is good still have 3 days left of the amoxicillin see how that pan out,but my husband did say to me perhaps I should have a CT scan and I will mention it to my GP as you say bronchiectasis could well a possibility and also perhaps a referral to a specialist which my GP did mention if things don’t improve, Thank-you it’s good to talk to somebody in a similar position ,hope you keep well and stay safe
GPs don't really understand about bronchiectasis. You really need a Ct scan and get referred to a chest specialist. I know because it took me over a year to get diagnosed properly with my Gp prescribing me antibiotics all the time
Hi, I have had a similar thing, I was on carbocysteine and I have found that when I get a chest infection it’s really hard to shift and even if you think it’s gone there’s often some residual that can sneak up on you later. I had doxy and clarithromycin previously and made a much bigger difference.
Also have scarring. So understand it can be scary. Have you ever had pleurisy? I find that my lungs don’t clear as well since I’ve had recurrent pleurisy because my lungs still a bit stuck to the wall.
Hope you feel better soon
astmaticclimber yes you are right sometimes you think you are doing well and then you are back to square one so annoying and you just get tired of all the meds and the messing about and the stress kicks in never had doxy but I think I had clarithromycin in the past for a chest infection, You mention pleurisy don’t think I had pleurisy either but GP said I could have had pneumonia or a virus which has caused the scarring,but I can’t say when because up to last september 2019 l had my asthma under control, never been so unwell like this before, thank you for replying and likewise hope you feel better soon to
Same happened to me, i stopped Carbocistine for a week, and was drowning in mucous, and couldn't get it up, so had to restart it
Hi snazzy jack, yes the carbocistien seems to be very good in opening the airways have had several months of it ,My GP said to try and leave it off and see how you go which I have at the moment I feel like I am getting dependant on it and I’m a bit frightened to leave it off but I’ll see how it goes I’ve still got some to fall back on ,so many people use it ,Thanks for your reply Hope you stay well,keep safe