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gynae problems

15 Replies

I have been having amjor problems with my periods in heaviness and duration and am now under the gynaecologist. Due to previous problems (pe's) i am not allowed to take most of the meds available.

I have been given 2 options to consiider - Mirena coil and endometrial ablation.

I am not keen on the coil as a) its hormonal and b) i dont really want to have anything in me like that with the ablation it is hopeful if it can be done under local as anaethesia is not a line most drs like with me!!

Has anyone had any experience or knowledge on either of these 2 treatment options/

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15 Replies

Hi Hopalong

I'm sorry that you are struggling with gyny things just now. I had two endomentrial ablations. If you want to know about my experience, pm me.



Shades profile image

hi hopalong

have not experienced mirena coil but have undergone a few surgeries for endometrosis, if you want to chat bout it send me a pm.



ps great site for information is there is also a forum there with lots of helpful people with wide range of experiences of al the treatment options available.

hi hopalongkp

have PM'd you....


Hi Hops,

I don't have any personal experience of this, but it's worth noting that the Mirena coil is not said to have the same side effects as most hormonal treatments. The idea is that it's like an ordinary coil that sits in your uterus, but it's also impregnated with hormones which are slowly released into the uterine lining. Because it's a local treatment, very little of the hormone actually gets into the bloodstream (a bit like the difference between using inhaled steroids and oral steroids). Of course, there is always the possibility of some systemic (body-wide) effect, but it should be much less than hormone tablets, injections or implants.

Hope this helps

Em H

I had a Mirena coil for a while but I didn't get on with it and asked them to remove it after 8 months. It made me very crotchety and short tempered but it did stop my periods completely and the accompanying stomach pains, yippee!

It is worth a try as it is easily removed if you don't get on with it.


Sorry to hear about your problems and hope they solve it all. My daughter has the mirena coil and seems to have no problems. Personally I would try it in our situation. I had terrible periods for years and that hadn't been invented then. having suffered I know what it can be like and you get to the I'll try anything stage. Don't know about about endometrial ablation but would have tried it if offered. I had endometriosis for years and had to wait until I was 39 before they would do a hysterectomy despite having secondary infertility which meant I didn't get pregnant. in all I waited 10 years or so. So if there is a solution don't suffer try it. Best of luck and blessings.

I too suffered badely and have even been vented and several trips to itu with my periods.

I was given the same options as i too have had pes, but while making my mind up the ablation opytion was no more as now needs GA as local was causing too much pain during and after proceedure so now only done by general, i even asked for spinal but couldnt so off was too have coil!! took a while settle down nearlly 12mths but stopped periods, still every few weeks get a bit crabby and chesty but no where near extent of before its really made my life better? and its sorted for 5yrs??

Andrea xxx

I had a mirena coil in for a few years and experienced no problems with it. I found that after a few month my periods stopped with it and that the painful time of the month can be forgotten about. It didnt take long to put in and like has been said it's easily removed if you don't like it so its worth a try...

Lisa x0x

hi there hopalongkp..

just wanted to apologise for not getting back to your laterst PM... it is in progress, and will send it soon, but is a few things i want to check first, but spent last 3 nights fending off ITU with a big stick! doh! seems like am moving in the correct direction, so will be with you soon! x


Thanks to all those who have replied already, much appreciated.

Well i had my next appt today- so much for 2 options i have basically beed told I either have the Mirena coil fitted or suffer!!

I still have lots of reservations about it as i have been told it will make the bleeding worse to start,(i already bleed heavily for 3 weks) there is only a very small window for it to be inserted in, u cant use tampons initially, the fact that it is realeasing hormones and the side effects linked woth them.

I also have always been aginst any type of coil due to the way they work on religious grounds.

Please guys i really need some help and suggestions to try and get my mind straight.

thanks in advance

hey... will PM you with further details tonight, hope this ok. ksd

If its your only option doesnt that then tell you to give it a go??? the bleeding does get worse for a short while at first but like i said once settles down its life changing. I was told at gp that couldnt be inserted during bleeding but as was bleeding all time went to appt anyway as was goonna lie aand say just started but didnt need to sister that did and ran clinic saud it actually makes easier tp inset?

Your only prob i can see is religious beleifs and thats something only you can answer.

good luck

love and prayers

Andrea xxx

If its your only option doesnt that then tell you to give it a go??? the bleeding does get worse for a short while at first but like i said once settles down its life changing. I was told at gp that couldnt be inserted during bleeding but as was bleeding all time went to appt anyway as was goonna lie aand say just started but didnt need to sister that did and ran clinic saud it actually makes easier tp inset?

Your only prob i can see is religious beleifs and thats something only you can answer.

good luck

love and prayers

Andrea xxx

I swear by the Mirena coil. I had it for years - was the first one fitted at my surgery and it is amazing. It is different to a standard coil in that it releases hormones which thins the lining of the womb and stops pregnancy that way. With me it stopped my periods completely but a friend is in a similar position to you with very heavy periods, didn't really want a coil but wouldn't swap it for anything now. I hope you can resolve your problems whichever way you decide but I can thorough recommend the Mirena


hopalongkp - did the coil work?

I too am awaiting the insertion and a little concerned - I have severe reactions to hormonal based meds..... on top of my normal asthma stuff (they always book me a hdu bed for the ops!) ...and am hoping you had success....

I too disagree with the principle of how the coil works, but as I do not intend to use as a contraceptive device and the better good etc etc (aloog with it being unlikely I'd get pregnant anyway) I am going down the route of suck it and see so to speak...

Hope you get this!

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