Hello everyone. I’m a 55 year old male who has had knee problems for the majority of my life. I think it originated from sports injuries as a schoolboy but I remember twisting it while at work when I was about 17 too.
I have a long history of having treatment for knee problems including 2 or 3 arthroscopy operations (I can’t remember exactly how many but at least 2), the last one being in 2010. In the last couple of years I have just had flare ups of knee swelling, causing terrible pain, very restricted movement and mobility issues. Back in June 2023 during one flare up when had to have fluid drawn off the knee I was told I had crystals on the knee but no gout, they also said I had tricompartmental arthritis and needed a total knee replacement. After a few consultations they said the waiting list was around 9 months so suggested because of my relatively young age I should put off the surgery and try to stand the pain for a while longer. Since then I have had several flare ups, each one seeming to be worse than the other and lasting longer each time. There doesn’t seem to be any particular reason for the flare ups although my job requires some walking, standing and short spells of kneeling or bending down. I am having to have more and more time off from work for this and I am sensing that my employer is getting concerned. I used to request more admin work to avoid being off but I am restricted by what I can do and have been told recently it’s not an option anymore.
By November ‘23 I decided I wanted to get myself on the waiting list for the knee replacement surgery but even though my pain is worse, with more frequent flare ups and my GP has requested a referral, I have been told it could be months before I even get a consultation let alone get on the waiting list. This is impacting my life and my mental health, I am struggling to work without pain, I have had holidays where I am unable to do anything and I feel like I’m spoiling it for everyone else so I won’t go on holiday or go very far now. I have been back to my doctor for help but they give me Zapain to manage the pain and say there’s nothing they can do about waiting lists.
I am currently wondering what to do about work, I have a couple of pensions I could draw on but one is a deferred defined benefit pension that has penalties if I take it before 60 unless I can get access due to illness, but I don’t know what qualifies as ill health as obviously my problem is not life threatening.
There seems to be nobody out here who can give answers, it’s all grey areas, how long am I likely to be waiting for a knee replacement? If I find work impossible could I get to draw my pension early? If not could I claim any state benefits?
I know there’s a lot of questions and I am lucky having a very patient and loving family around me so I’m not desperate but I am worried about how this will affect me going forward. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.