Hello all, I had my TKR surgery Thursday and all has gone smoothly, I got back home last night and so far the pain has not been too bad. I am using tramadol and paracetomol in a staggered sequence and it seems to manage it reasonably well.
The staff at the hospital were brilliant and the physiotherapist has told me to just use my crutches for walking around the house for now and given me 3 different exercises to do beforei have a physio appointment next week.
Just one little niggle this morning I think I noticed a slight click when I was getting out of bed and my first couple of steps with my crutches , I did bend and straighten my knee a few times first while lying in bed because it was quite rigid after sleeping but I just wondered if I should contact the hospital or should i expect this and see how it goes? My new knee is a cobalt chromium alloy with a plastic knee cap, not sure if that means anything but my surgeon said it was successful and the post op x-rays are all ok.