At long last my TKR surgery is planned for later this month. I couldn’t be happier, I’m not exactly looking forward to the procedure but I will be glad to get it done and hopefully make a good recovery. It will be nice to go on walks again, to sit comfortably in theatres and stadiums and hopefully swim and ride a bike again, but more than anything I’m looking forward to a good nights sleep.
Like I said I am a bit anxious about the procedure as I am told I will have an epidural not a general anaesthetic and I was wondering what to expect and any tips on getting through this and the recovery.
I have been told that my other knee will need replacing but I am unsure when. At the moment it’s getting lumpy, misshapen and mildly painful but I don’t want to get to this point again where I can barely walk and I’m on a long list waiting for surgery, but at the same time I would love to have at least a couple of years between operations so I can enjoy my life a bit. I suppose they will go through the same process anyway with physiotherapy, cortisone etc before putting me on a waiting list.
Any tips or advice to get me through the operation and recovery would be much appreciated.