Hi, I have recently tried taking Naproxen as I am in a lot of pain with an arthritic knee (knee replacement later this year) plus general aches and found that other painkillers weren't really helping (Ibuprofen, co-codamol) . I took one Naproxen in the morning after breakfast and after doing some work on my computer, sat down for a coffee and promptly fell asleep for one and a half hours. Woke up, carried on working, had lunch and another Naproxen and slept for two hours in the chair. Took another one with dinner and spent most of the evening asleep until my husband woke me to go to bed where I slept soundly. Has anyone else found that Naproxen completely knocks them out? I cannot take it unless I know this effect will wear off over a few days.
Naproxen and sleep - too much?: Hi, I have... - Arthritis Action
Naproxen and sleep - too much?

It's a well known side effect...but as your body gets more acclimatised to drug it may wear off.. perhaps speak to pharmacist for advice.
You must be very relieved to find something that works for you. Also it is important that you rest. I hope you get your op soon. It is awful having to wait when in pain.
You might need to ease yourself on to naproxen, take 1 at night maybe for a couple of days , then 1 in early evening and one going to bed . Hopefully this won’t affect your work. Once you taking it for a while your body will adjust.
Personally I couldn’t tolerate it as it upset my stomach, I find Etoricaxib easier to tolerate.
I was prescribed four 500mg naproxen a day, they made me zombie like. I now take one 250mg a day in the morning, and have for six years now. It doesn't knock me out.
Hi - does it help with pain though? and if so, how long does the effect of one 250mg of Naproxen last?