Hi all
I am currently waiting for an urgent hip replacement as mine has now collapsed and have lost over 2cms in length on my left side.
I fell of my bike last June and had 3 cannulated screws put in my fractured neck of femur.
These sadly had to be removed 5 days before Christmas last year 2019, because my hip crumpled around them, leaving the screw to grind into my pelvis and the outer of my thigh!
Sounds dramatic! I also managed to contract a hip infection,which has hopefully cleared now.
I am due a hip aspiration, just to double check as my hip has serverly collapsed and my consultant is worried.
Sadly there is currently a COVID-19 outbreak, which this has now been put back.
I completely understand the NHS has there priorities at this scary time!, and more then happy to hang tight!
I was just wondering if anyone has any pointers to relieve this dibilatating pain please?? 😒
The pain shoots from hip, knee to foot....