Anyone who has had a total knee replacement had more pain in the hip area than the knee. Having a job to keep my knee straight at night as keep waking up every hour with tremendous pain in the hip and end up getting up and having a walk round. It's inhibiting my physio as well. It didn't help that ended up having to have the wound redressed a couple days after op. As it bled during the night.
Post total knee replacement: Anyone who has... - Arthritis Action
Post total knee replacement

hi, had both knees replaced over last couple of years, last being my right last July. Ive always suffered hip pain tgroughout the orocess and like you could not keep my leg straight at night due to pain. Ive had 2 steroid injections which havent helped and now im suffering faciitus and tendonitis in. Both legs and feet. My ankles are also causing significant pain. The knee pain has gone however so it does have a plus side
Not with knee replacement but I had a big foot operation and was told to wear platform shoe on the other foot to balance hips out. Because it’s possible to throw hip out walking unevenly. Hope that might help.
Actually notice that when I walk not walking penguin wise now on that side. Was told the pain was because they have to push the replacement knee into place and that's what causing pain. Not completely convinced about that as have an inflamed bursitis in that hip and although. It's been okay lately wonder if it's caused a flare up. Just persevering with the exercises. But leg bruised from toes to thigh
That joint just suffered a major assault to tear the biological knee out and place the mechanical knee. It’s going to be sore and take some time for you and your body to adjust to a man-made implant….while they are very well engineered these days the processes developed by men cannot fabricate a joint like God can…it’s as major a joint operation as you can have so if you are still 3/4/5 weeks post-op there will be an adjustment time for you and your workings of your body…around the start of the second month all should be running smoothly (that was my experience anyway)…best of luck to you!
Five and a half weeks post op. Still quite painful taking painkillers but have cut them down. Manage indoors with no supports but not confident enough to go out without crutches yet. Walking as bit further. Local shops and back this morning (normally a 10 minute walk) which in retrospect was a bit to far.