Is anyone taking Lansoprazole (I have been prescribed them as using Naproxen long term for arthritis pain)? If so, has anyone gained weight since taking it?
Lansoprazole and Weight Gain : Is anyone... - Arthritis Action
Lansoprazole and Weight Gain

Hi Denise, I used to take naproxen aswell as lansoprozle but I started bleeding from back passage and come off naproxen straight away , I was then diagnosed with ulcerative colitis so I would be careful with naproxen and I also gained a bit of weight but everyone is different .

That sounds just awful. Sorry to hear. Thank you for your reply. Best wishes to you.
I was on Lanzoprazole fo4 over 6 years but am now taking ranitidine in preference. There are a number of nasty side efffects with long term use so inform yourself of the risks.
Hi Denise
I take Lansoprazole, but it hasn't made me put on weight, but guess we are all different.
Yes I have put on a lot of weight and I know it's 'just' a case of reducing calories so GP says but it's been very sudden and not changed diet. I am eating less! I am on omeprazole as well for stomach protection. I don't take naproxen all the time - just when the pain and swelling gets bad.