Speed in which OA takes hold: Does anyone... - Arthritis Action

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Speed in which OA takes hold

Raelouise profile image
50 Replies

Does anyone else find their OA is taking hold in other joints with speed you weren't expecting?

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Raelouise profile image
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50 Replies
Mandypandy1969 profile image

Yes. Within a couple of years, I have just had some recent xrays and found I have o/a in both shoulders, both ankles and c spine. God knows where else? X

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to Mandypandy1969

Yes I know that feeling makes you wonder when it will end.

Afraid so, I started with one foot and one knee now I have it my both feet, ankles, back and hands it is also affecting nerves so nerve pain too. Woe is me!!

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to

Didn't know it could affect nerves as well, how do you deal with that as well?

in reply to Raelouise

My doctor did explain to me I think mainly it's where my discs have pressed down on them (the nerves) and in my feet something to do with bony bits caused by the OA putting pressure on nerves etc. He gives me Gabapentin but that seems to have stopped making much difference. I'm opium intolerant and cannot take NSAIDS long term because it stops other meds I have to take working correctly. You do learn to live with things but I must admit that on some extra bad days I'm decidedly grumpy. and sometimes weepy. I've always been very active so I'm very frustrated with sit a while walk a little and don't stand in one place for more than a few minutes. I just hope that your OA doesn't get too bad for you xx

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to

My hips feel alot worse on damp rainy days I must admit. If you ever need to let of steam you can always chat to me about it x

CagneysMum profile image

Only been diagnosed with RA for two years but now have OA in shoulders ..... steroid injections have helped a lot.

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to CagneysMum

Those injections only lasted about four months for me when I had them, how many times have you had the injections in your shoulder?

CagneysMum profile image

Had knees injected September 2018 ..... shoulders injected July 2019 and ankles injected last week. All joints still really good. Fingers crossed, steroid seems to work well for me. Hope you find a solution.

Diagnosed with Severe Osteoarthritis three & half yrs ago, in my neck & shoulders. Now have it in my arms/hands, spine/knees & feet.

Oh the joys!!!

Also, been taking Gabapentin since then, dosage has been upped over time, this is also 'controlling' the nerves in my head, as this was the first sign I had, that something wasn't right. The way I described this to my GP, was, 'It feels like my head is not attached to my neck, while walking, also feels like someone is flicking every single nerve in my head'.

This was a horrendous feeling, couldn't concentrate on anything.

Still get the same feelings, but I can tolerate it for now. 😐

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to

Blimey that does sound alot to deal with, at present only have OA in my hips, shoulder and fingers on my right side of the body. How are you feeling lately?

Nyxks profile image

No, but for a short time it did seem to hit all at once then slowly taper to a manageable level.

But my aunt who has knee OA says differently, I have spinal osteoarthritis with advanced disk degeneration disease so the combo is it's own problem.

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to Nyxks

Goodness me that has to be another level of pain and discomfort for you.

Nyxks profile image
Nyxks in reply to Raelouise

It can make getting out of bed interesting or just getting out of the apartment a challenge in it's own fashion.

But it is my life that I've been dealt so I'm pushing what I can and working within the limits that are before me (or trying to, I'm one who pushes until my body pushes back n makes me listen).

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to Nyxks

Well that's good in itself that your not letting it take over,

Good & bad days. Today has been a low energy & lethargic day, clinging onto a hot water bottle all day, feeling constantly cold & sleepy. Pain across the back of my shoulders & neck, which feels like a tonne of bricks have been thrown at me. 😳

But by tomorrow morning I'll be fine, which is always the way for me.

But now the weather is getting colder, it's definitely going to effect me even more.😩

Catseyes235 profile image

I’ve never actually been diagnosed with OA just told it’s ‘wear and tear’ which has now been renamed ‘wear and repair’. In other words if we only got those muscles working more to help build up our bone we’d be just fine and dandy??! Is the diagnosis through blood testing, which I have not had or X-ray which I have had? As my knees have been bad since I was eleven ish thanks to ballet mainly, I slightly resent the wear and whatever diagnosis.

I seem to have goodish and bad days but just realised my hands aren’t too bad now ... but then I’ve given up guitar and mandolin due to the pain. I also find I avoid certain events in case I can’t keep up so maybe am minimising things by limiting myself? So while some days I think it’s spreading and getting worse there are times when I feel almost good.

Pain in hips I am explaining as knee pain throwing my posture out, and I’ve been getting pain in back of neck but for now am putting this down to sleeping in awkward positions when fall asleep in front of tv or spending too long on iPad ...so must be off!

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to Catseyes235

You will need an MRI I see what damage has been done from the "wear and tear". If it was just that easy then there would be no OA. Everyone has good and bad days with painful joints,your probably feeling less pain because you have rested the the joint that are affected.

Catseyes235 profile image

Never seems that easy as I can wake in the night or get up in the morning after sleep (and therefore rest) in dreadful pain and sometimes not too bad! I said to my doctor I’d love to know what is going on at the cellular level ,,,he said lots of people would! Oh well onwards and upwards.

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to Catseyes235

Have you ever kept an eye on the weather and how your feeling? Another member told me about Hyaluronic Acid and that is good for joint pain. I wake up in the morning in alot of pain get in a hot shower 🚿 and do some streaches. Do you take any supplements and how is your diet? How are you feeling this morning?

Catseyes235 profile image
Catseyes235 in reply to Raelouise

Yes all that. Some food triggers but no set pattern as can be as bad on hot dry days as wet or cold! No worries, I’m going to make an appointment with my doc to see if acupuncture would help as it did for my feet and other bits, though not successful on my hands. Thanks.

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to Catseyes235

The more people I talk to there seems to be no common ground apart from pain and the joys that brings us, keep smiling 😁 always here if you need a chat

artifolk profile image

Yes, I now have Sciatica and pain is as bad as the joint pain, neverending, watch your diet I am told ie junk food and processed food makes it worse.

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to artifolk

A friend of mine at work has sciatica I see how it affects him, not nice at all. I try hard to stay away from that side of food, I will try and make all we need myself so I know what's in most of it. How are today?

artifolk profile image
artifolk in reply to Raelouise

Hi there thanks for asking, SORE is an understatement but going day to day hoping pain will disappear like folk say it does, Best wishes to you.

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to artifolk

That's OK and your welcome

Catseyes235 profile image
Catseyes235 in reply to artifolk

Refined foods bad for anything. If you read the ingredients on any ready meal there’s a load of stuff you would not be putting in if cooked from fresh. I have stopped needing Omeprazole for acid reflux after slight tweaks to diet ...no white sugars or flours and a change to sourdough has made a big difference (so gluten not the problem) but limit daily intake to one meal a day so no bread in same day as pasta or at least have brown rice pasta instead. Hardly touched an antacid in over a year now.

My sciatica successfully treated with osteopathy and acupuncture 30 years ago. Never perch on the edge of things as that can trap nerves! ,

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to Catseyes235

How did you find the osteopath treatment as mime interested in trying that for my hips?

artifolk profile image
artifolk in reply to Catseyes235

hi there thanks for info, I have recently changed diet big time ie icecreams, chocolate biscuits ets, and focused more on healthy foods even though I did eat all of the health stuff so big blame for the junk I was also eating, hoping for a wee miracle **

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to artifolk

Do you eat alot of dairy foods?

artifolk profile image
artifolk in reply to Raelouise

I do like porridge oats or high fibre cereals with milk and drinks lots of tea with milk have eggs every other day but not really a big milk drinker, have been eating yogurts , not a lot of cheese either but gone off yogurts a bit so that is about the amount of dairy I eat, I do try to eat a varied healthy mix of food too, no white bread, just brown same with rice. Sometimes I wonder about all the do's and don'ts, too but any info is always appreciated. Thanks a lot

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to artifolk

Do you take any supplements to ease the pain?

artifolk profile image
artifolk in reply to Raelouise

Hi there yes I am taking Tumeric and also an iron 1 per day with Vitamin B12 as have read that Sciatica can be caused by lack of vitamin B12, just what I read in one of the health sites so tyrying all sorts Taelouise.

Catseyes235 profile image
Catseyes235 in reply to artifolk

I would say resulting weight loss has helped too. I had the first ready meal in years 2 weeks ago (I do love cooking and usually fresh everyday or enough to last with different carbs for 3) and while I did enjoy it I didn’t like the guilt re plastic use and reading the ingredients!

artifolk profile image
artifolk in reply to Catseyes235

I know, all gets a bit much to take in trying everything and still feel SORE , somtimes worse than others and then you think it might have been that butter spread or an orange etc that has triggered. Food diaries dont work for me as they take my life over bleaming everything, and of course our damp weather here does not help. thanks a lot for replying.

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to artifolk

I must admit the uk weather doesn't help one bit, no don't like the idea of food diaries that can become all consuming. Have you tried any cbd products?, wish I could help you more. Hope your evening is kind to you.

artifolk profile image
artifolk in reply to Raelouise

I have not tried the CBS but my friend has Fibromyalga and Osteoporosis has tried everything and says it helps. Have a nice night and pain relief too

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to artifolk

I take a high dose of hemp seed oil for its omega 3 properties, hyaluronic acid and magnesium daily I also use cbd heat rubs to help combat pain. Take care

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to artifolk

Would a chiropractor or an osteopath help relieve any pain for you?

Nuttyshirlz profile image

Hi I’ve had all the tests too. Mine started in my wrists and fingers and my knees I’ve always said my knees hurt I put it down to working long hours. But then remy doctor told me I had Osteoarthritis and Psa and fibo. Now my left leg keeps given away. I’m getting injections in my knees at next appointment nurse says best to get in winter. Damp weather and cold are the worst. Guess you just learn to live it. Plus hope you can get sleep

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to Nuttyshirlz

😁, yes you learn to live with it and adapt, wet damp weather plays havoc with pain levels, hope your ok

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Raelouise

Yes I’m not the type to moan about it just don’t see point no one can help to it away lol yes I’m fine just needed some time out but heyho we live to tell our tales 🙂

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to Nuttyshirlz

Love your attitude its refreshing 😁👍

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Raelouise

Well that’s just me think it’s because my dad was disabled and he always used to say to us as kids. No point in feeling sorry for yourself you just gotta get on with it. You got to learn to live with it. So I do lol

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to Nuttyshirlz

Very wise words indeed

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Raelouise

But he was right doesn’t get you anywhere

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to Nuttyshirlz

No it doesnt, you just have to adapt to the limitations and make the most of every opportunity,and see the possitives each day brings

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Raelouise

Yes you do just have to take everyday as you wake

Catseyes235 profile image

I had a wonderful osteopath (make sure fully trained at London School of Osteopathy) - a little bird like woman who treated my frozen shoulder from untreated thyroid, sciatica, and a neck that ‘went out’ at the drop of a hat and always told me should take one and never more than two treatments. Eg my neck which could go out after a sneeze and had it for seven years was treated in one go and never recurred. Unfortunately she retired but she was so good I have always been suspicious of those who say should take a series of treatments. Why? Just a money making ploy. Hope you find a good one I’m looking for one again to see if realigning hips and knees helps. Another osteopath did do good for knees but that was several years ago. Good luck ..definitely worth a try.

Raelouise profile image
Raelouise in reply to Catseyes235

Thank you very much

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