I have suffered with osteoarthritis in full length of my spine. Now its in my knees.
The xrays show degeneration
I attended pain clinic for 6 years having injections in facet joints twice a year. They stopped having any effect so pain clinic signed me off as body had got too used to them.
So back to my dr for pain relief. After 6 yrs same story. Nothing eased pain from strongest fentanyl patches, morphine liquid, amatriptlin, all the way down to cocodamol.
Pain clinic was also involved with medication to no avail. Also went to an osteopath and acupuncture. I have a heat pad which fits from shoulder to waist. Only effect it has, it keeps me warm but does'nt relieve the constant aching and when flareups hit during night i walk around hoping pain will go away?
The good news is I am long retired so can rest at anytime. Now all i want is to find that elusive medication to ease the pain. Maybe in 2018 happy new year to you all.