Hi, I'm new here too. I have suffered knee pain for nearly 5 years and it's getting to the point where it's really getting me down now. It started in my right knee after I fell down a flight of stairs and landed on my knee. The pain would come and go but got worse until it was almost constant. I had it xrayed about 3 years ago and was diagnosed with early onset osteoarthritis. Since then I fell on my left knee. It didn't really hurt that much and I thought nothing more of it. Around a year ago my left knee started to 'twang' for want of a better word. Went to the docs who put me on Naproxen for 2 weeks and it eventually eased. However in the last 6months I've had on and off pain until now it is again always constant.
I went back to my GP about my left knee who said there was a lot of fluid on it and it was probably arthritis and gave me 4 weeks supply of Naproxen. That ran out and I could barely walk with both knees causing problems so I went back and saw a different GP. He checked it and said I'd pulled a ligament. Gave me an exercise sheet to do and said it would heal in another 8 weeks.
8 weeks on, still no better, so went back to GP and saw another lady doctor. I had to ask for my knees to be x-rayed again, because I hate not knowing what it is. In this time I've also started having problems with swollen itchy knuckles which I thought could have been arthitis. I asked her this and she said it was my Psoriasis that has taken up a new residence. I suffer with Psoriasis on my legs and trunk but only mildly.
Lastly, I'm now having trouble sleeping because my knees ache constantly. I cannot get a comfortable sleeping position at all.
I'm now wondering what the next course of action will be when the x-rays come back. I feel constantly fobbed off by my GP. I am turning 50 this year and I have never felt to unhealthy. If there are any tips to help cope with this conditon then I'm all ears.
Thank you