Hi, I am on here trying to help my mother. She has had arthritis since the age of 17 and is now 73. She has never had a definitive diagnosis apart from Cervical Spondilitis which was diagnosed when she was in her fifties. Is it possible to have more than one type of arthritis as she is finding the pain hard to deal with, her index toes have crossed over her big toes and is having trouble with footwear. She also gets swollen joints and her back is so bad after a coccyx injury many years ago she has to sit on a special cushion. I have nagged her to go back to the GP as the codine based painkillers do not help and upset her stomach. I feel her GP's are not understanding her pain and I am so frustrated, Can anyone help please??
Helping my mother: Hi, I am on here trying... - Arthritis Action
Helping my mother

Hi crazycatlady97 , I'm no expert and I'm sure one of the admin will reply. It does sound like your Mum has more than one thing going on. Would she make a GP appointment and let you go in with her? Then you would have the opportunity to explain what her problems are. Maybe a referral to a rheumatologist would help regarding diagnosis. You could also ask for a referral to the Orthotic dept at your local hospital, they would possibly make Mum some shoes to accommodate her foot probs. My Mum in law has osteoarthritis, she has very deformed feet from birth and now arthritis in one foot, it took a few visits to orthotics for them to make her some shoes.
Hi. Yes, one can get different sorts of arthritis. She needs a blood test to check her inflammation levels in her body, arranged by GP. She needs a referral to see a rheumatologist, as already mentioned by sewnsew. Plus an MRI scan. I developed v painful back last yr, with other pains in arms legs, all out of the blue. Blood test showed inflammation levels, ESR & CRP were elevated. Referred to a v good rheumatologist at Christchurch Hospital. Had an MRI which showed what the main problem was. Saw the hospital. Physio. Back exercises are now an important part of my weekly routine. Plus on steroid treatment, gradually reducing dosage. I was fobbed off by my GP telling me to take paraceutimals for weeks (, at one point was in tears, that is what pain does), &I was told to ask my 80 yr old friends how they feel. (I'm 80). I persevered with my GP. I know GPS are under a gt. Deal of stress .is it possible that you go with your Mum to GP. Write down what she is going through, &I ask for ref. Insist on this. Best of luck.
My mom also has arthritis, and she's using niveau labs krill oil to reduced inflammation, Arthritis and for joint pain. And Our body can quickly and efficiently absorb the nutrients of krill oil. In fact, fatty acids have natural blood thinning properties that allow it to work similarly to NSAIDs, but slowly and without the health risks. And the best thing for moms like ours,most pill is hard to swallow. But krill oil is easy to swallow and no fishy aftertaste.